Pension Application of James Simpson: S6102

                        Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris



            At a Court held at the Courthouse for the County of Botetourt on Tuesday the 13th day of November 1832

            On the 13th day of November in the year 1832 personally appeared in Open Court before the Justices of the Court of Botetourt now sitting James Simpson a resident of the Cove run in the County of Botetourt and State of Virginia aged seventy five years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers – that he first entered the army as a Volunteer in Winchester Virginia under the Command of Captain Reynolds and Colo. Cannada he does not recollect the particular time when he entered the service or left the same but well remembers that in that tour he served three months and 21 days  he says he was residing in Virginia near Winchester Frederick County at the time. That he marched through Maryland and part of Pennsylvania [sic] to Philadelphia and Lancaster & that as well as he recollects he belonged to the eighth regiment  he says he has no documentary evidence & that he knows of no person who can testify to his service in this tour the object of which was to guard prisoners and to remove them from one place to another  he says that he was shortly afterwards the exact time when he does not recollect and the time when he returned he does not recollect he was drafted in Winchester Frederick County Va. where he was residing at the time  that he marched under the command of Colo. Cannada & Captain Longacre through Maryland to Lancaster in Pennsylvania for the purpose of Guarding and Conveying Prisoners and was in service this time about four weeks  he says he has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service in this tour  he says that he was again drafted sometime in the year 1781 and served for three months with the militia under the Command of Gen’l George Washington Commander in Chief  Major Southhall and Captain Bell  that he was residing near Winchester Frederick County Virginia at the time he was drafted  that he marched directly from there to York town and was at the Seige of York  he says he has no documentary evidence but that a man by the name of Henry Wysong [sic: Wisong] of Montgomery County Virginia can testify to his service  he says he was born near the Town of Winchester Frederick County Virginia on the 15th day of April 1757 that he has no record of his age which he here procures to the court  that he was living near Winchester Frederick County Va when called into service where he continued to live after the revolutionary war untill about 18 years ago when he moved to the County of Botetourt where he is now living  that he served once as a Volunteer twice was drafted and served once as a substitute for Charles Williams a particular account of which is yet to be given  that he received discharges from Captain Reynolds and sold the one which he received of Capt’n Bell to one George Davis it being a kind of due Bill for the Wages due him for his services.

He says that Edmanson Caldwell & Mathias Wreck are persons residing in his present neighbourhood to whom he is known and they can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his service as a soldier of the revolution  he says that he was residing near Winchester Virginia when he entered the army as a substitute for Charles Williams  that he served for three months under the command of Colo. Holmes and Captain [blank]  that he remained at the Barracks near Winchester during the whole time guarding prisoners  that he does not recollect at what time exactly he entered the service or at what time he was discharged  that he has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service  he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State

            Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid      James his + mark Simpson