About the Host | ||
My name is Edward A. Black, Sr. I am the host of the WorldGenWeb or USGenWeb page you just came from. I began hosting USGenWeb pages in November of 1998, beginning as CC with four California counties -- Imperial, Kern, Siskiyou and Tehama. Later I took on as a Co-CC for Grant County and a CC for Woods County, OK. I then took over as CC for Pemiscot County, MO when the previous CC took ill. Later I took on Logan and Park Counties, CO; Armstrong County, TX; Johnson County, WY; Carter & Broadwater Counties, MT; Sandoval County, NM; I then began hosting the WorldGenWeb's Estado de Morelos, MexicoGenWeb.
Finally I took on Juab County, UT in April, 2000. I also administer a large number of county lists over several states.
I am a a "retired"person who happens to love genealogy. I have been taking care of my disabled wife for several years now since I had to retire. My interest in Mexico came about because my daughter-in-law is from Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, where I visited in 1995 I have lived in California all of my life, Born and raised in the East Bay in Northern California, then moving to Southern California in 1976 with my family. My wife Ruth & I joined the LDS church in 1996 and I became active in genealogy right away [It was a childhood interest]. I am the grandson of European immigrants on my father's line and an established line on my mother's side and my wife has a number of Morman kinfolk in her family line, which is established in the USA back to before the Revolutionary War on both of her sides of the family, although she did not group up as LDS. Genealogy Pages I Host:WorldGenWeb ProjectUSGenWeb Project