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Native American Resources |
Welcome to Native American Resources, we ask that you be patient with us while we do some needed house cleaning and refreshing. David Morgan provided you with information since 1998, he has decided to take a break and let someone else do the building for a while. I am Judy White and I do have a plan, but like all good plans, they take time and sometimes real life get in the way of genealogical life!!! We have made some changes to the sections of the site and some are not complete as yet. Hopefully they will take shape quickly. The site is divided into 5 sections that we hope will provide you with the information you are searching for.
Mailing Lists - Maybe it is just me, but these are very important in my search for ancestors whether they are Indian, or not. There are many lists for individual tribes, tribes by state, and specific Indian Surnames. The choice is up to you as to which ones you would like to join. Please be aware there are rules to each of the lists and courtesy being one of the most important. An added bonus will be sites that offer query pages for you to post your information. General Resources - This is the section where you will find links to almost anything. Rolls, Census, Cemeteries, Tribal Websites and much more. This is another place where the Submit Your Site form will be of value. State/County Projects - These will be listed by State for all the state and county websites of the USGenWeb, ALHN, AHGP, and any other site that offers information about Indians of their state or county. These sites are great for transcribed information and you might find a surprise waiting for you at any one of them. State Resources - This page is State Resources, it includes Indian Affairs offices in each state (if there is one), Tribal Websites of the state, (only Federal and State Recognized), archives that have information on tribes that resided or traveled through that state. Links for use of the National Archives and what can be found there to further your research. Submit Your Site - This page can be a tremendous help to both of us. By adding your site we will be able to build more links for researchers and help others find your site in the process. The more information that is available the better chance we have finding those hidden ancestors.
We do not provide any genealogy research, but through out the pages we will be adding how to articles on a variety of search subjects. The mailing lists can be another avenue of research help, and there are many query pages for Native American Searches.