The Meeting of the Board of Directors of ALHN was called to order at 7:10 PM April 23, 2013 by President Nathan Zipfel.

Attending were: Nathan Zipfel, Joyce Gaston Reece, Carol Eddleman and Darlene Anderson.
Absent were: Cyndy Cox, Rebeckah Headings, Sharon McCormack.

It was determined that a quorum of four was required for a meeting to be held, so the election of officers for 2013-2014 commenced.

Nominated for President: Nathan Zipfel; elected unanimously.
Nominated for Vice-President: Joyce Gaston Reece; elected unanimously.
Nominated for Secretary/Treasurer: Carol Eddleman; elected 2 in favor, 1 opposed.
Nominated for Membership Director: Cyndy Cox [in absentia]; elected unanimously.

Elections were closed.

Joyce Gaston Reece agreed to lead the committee to finish up the ALHN standing rules.

Determined that the Board Meetings are required monthly and that the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM shall be the meeting time.

Board members were encouraged to contact people interested in filling some missing slots on the County and State level of ALHN.

Adjourned at 8:05 PM

Carol C. Eddleman