ALHN - Board Of Directors - Minutes - 01/18/2006

American Local History Network
Minutes of The American Local History Network
January 18, 2006

A meeting of The American Local History Network was held in the alhn-membership-voting chat room, online Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 8:30 p.m.

Board Members Present:
Lesley Moss
Steve Stymiest
Melissa Fannin
Scott K. Williams
Susan Ditmire

Others Present:
Ron Taylor
Everette Carr
Bonnie Schafer

The meeting was called to order at 8:40 p.m.  by Lesley Moss
Bonnie Shafer second the motion


Recieved all oaths of office and the New Board is Official
Lesley Moss
Steve Stymiest
Melissa Fannin
Scott K. Williams
Susan Ditmire


The first item on the agenda was Election of Officers

Newely Eleced officers are:

President: Lesley Moss
Vice-President: Steve Stymiest
Secretary: Melissa Fannin

Old Business: There was none.

The next item on the Agenda was the Finance Report

Lesley Moss filling in for Mary Howell Submitted the report:
At the beginning of 2005 we had $171.05
December 13, 2005 $59.98 was paid for 2 years domain registration is good until 2007
December 29, 2005 $50.00 was paid to USGenNet Organization for domain hosting for two years, leaving a total balance of $61.07
She asked for the report to be accepted as it stands

Susan Ditmire moved to accept the report
Steve Stymiest second that motion
Votes for this action
All voted in favor

She asked for the report to be accepted as it stands.
Susan Ditmire moved to accept the report.
Scott K. Williams second that motion

Susan Ditmire restated that we approve the expenditures
Votes for this action
This voted on in favor of and approved

Susan Ditmire moved that expense requests not be paid until after a meeting of
the board, for approval, before issued by the Treasurer

Scott K. Williams second that motion.
Susan Ditmire restated that we approve the expenditures.
Votes for this action:
This voted on in favor of and approved

New Business:

Susan Ditmire made a motion that Scott and Steve form a committee to come up
with a concrete proposition for The Time Line Project
Scott K. Williams second that motion
Votes for this action:
This voted on in favor of and approved
The motion was carried

Lesley Moss made a motion opening nominations and election for 5 additional
ALHN Time Line Members
Melissa Fannin second that motion
Steve Stymiest second the motion

Susan Ditmire made a motion opening nominations and election for 5 additional
ALHN Time Line Committee Members.
Melissa Fannin second that motion
Steve Stymiest second the motion 
The motion was carried
The motion was amended to use the poll for the election of 5 additional ALHN
Time Line Committee Members
This voted on in favor of and approved


Motion was made to put fundraising on table for next meeting
The motion carried
Votes for this action approved
The fundraising was put on the table for the next meeting

Susan suggested that ALHN should be more supportive of aiding non web savy
poeple in getting their information on the web. It was decided that Susan would
work with Bonnie Shafer on ideas for a mentoring/help system and the discussion
was tabled for the next meeting.

Steve Stymiest made a motion to adjourn
Susan Ditmire second that motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:46

Minutes Submitted By:
Melissa Fannin

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