Ukraine GenWeb - Volynska Oblast

Ukraine FlagUKRAINEUkraine Coat of Arms

Welcome to the Volynska Oblast

Including portions of Volhynia


Press Map Buttonto view Oblast Map


star View/Post Surnames and Queries on the new WGW Surname/Query boards.

star Information from the Volyn region.

star Odessa Library Luthern Church records from Volhynia.

star Dave Obee's Family History Page -- Volhynia

star Society for German Genealogy in Eastern EuropeNew!

star The JEWISH-GEN Shetl-Seeker Database contains a search engine to help find your ancestral cities. Or, go to the general help for locating cities at Ukraine Town Location Guide for more detailed instructions on locating your town.

star Send me a note if you have a map available you would like to submit and post on this site.

star Lookups (volunteers needed) - Can you volunteer?

star Things you would like to see added to this site, or information you would like to submit


Directions for submitting a query/surname are available on the Ukraine website.

Host: Mark Enzenberger

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Updated 19 August 1999