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Trinity County! |
Historic Texas Cemetery
This cemetery is on private property. 5½ north of Glendale Community, TX on left,
there are eleven cedar trees planted in rows of four/four/three and fieldstones
without names for the
Surname |
Given Name |
Birth Date |
Death Date |
Other Data |
Blackshear |
John Houston |
If you have any corrections,
questions or information to add to this listing, please contact us through the Trinity
County Historical Commission, P.O. Box 123, Groveton, TX 75845, if you have any
corrections, questions or information to add to this listing. For the compiled
list, both Trinity County Cemeteries ©1980 and the second edition Trinity
County Texas Cemeteries © 1992 both published by Trinity County Historical
Commission (TCHC) were consulted. The
information has been submitted and is offered free to all who visit. The
ownership/copyright stays with the submitter
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