COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This WEB site and its internal contents, except where otherwise noted on the pages, are copyrighted by Douglas Anderson and may not be copied, altered, converted, retrieved from temporary Internet files, nor uploaded to any electronic system or BBS, nor linked from any "pay-for-view" site, or linked in such a manner as to appear to be an internal part of another site including, but not limited to, "frame" capturing, nor included in any software collection or print collection of any type without the express written permission of the author and artist. Copyright for data submitted for display on this site remains with each submitter of such data and only the presentation, formatting of same and/or additions is reserved by the webmaster. Copyright © 2001-2006. Any copyright abuse should be reported to the webmaster, [email protected] .
This Web site is designed and
maintained by TXGenWeb Nacogdoches County Coordinator.
Copyright © 2001-2006, TXGenWeb Nacogdoches County Coordinator, All Rights
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Information on these free web pages may be linked to but may not be copied other
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