Maps by permission of the Texas Department of
Transportation Texas County Highway
For List with name, birth and date click on Cemetery Name
Dumas Cemetery incomplete is located on the
West side of Dumas at 14th and Twitchell Streets.
Turn off Hwy 287/87 West at WalMart/McDonalds corner.
Northlawn Memorial Gardens work in progress North
of Dumas one mile on Hwy 87/287, turn East ,
Cemetery on North side of road.
Lane Memorial Cemetery North through town of Sunray on
Farm Rd 119, a quarter mile out of city limits, turn east (right)
after passing airport. Go east one mile, cemetery on the right.
Palo Duro Cemetery At edge of Sunray city limits sign on
North Farm Rd 199, turn east on Farm Rd 281 toward Morse-Spearman
Highway. Go 7 and a half miles. Turn south (right) on dirt road.
A sign that reads "Clevy Lease--Phillips Pet. Co." Go 5 miles,
cemetery is across the road from Palo Duro Schoolhouse.
Leverton Cemetery This Cemetery has been moved by Canadian
River Project to Section 53,
Block 47 H&TC Railway Co. Survey,
Moore County, Texas
Record Cemetery Located on land owned by Harry Record near
Lake Meredith in southeast part of
Moore County. Cemetery is just west of Record home.
Vinson Cemetery Located West of Dumas on private farm land
on the east side of a Farm Road.
see USGS Cemetery List for Moore County
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