The state legislature
established the county on Christmas Eve in 1857. The
following year, on August 2, 1858, the county was
formally organized with its present boundaries carved
from Cooke County. The new county was named for Daniel
Montague, surveyor of the Fannin Land District and
veteran of the Mexican War. Only three villages existed
in the county at the time, and none of them was near the
geographic center of the county. So an uninhabited area
at the appropriate location was identified as the county
seat and also named in honor of Daniel Montague. At the
time the area of Montague County had less than 1,000
residents. A slight majority of these inhabitants had
immigrated from the upper South, primarily Tennessee but
also from Kentucky and Arkansas. A substantial number
arrived from north of the Mason-Dixon line, mostly
farmers from Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. As a result of
this immigration pattern, the county did not reproduce
the slaveholding plantation society that characterized
the state. This in part explains the position Montague
County took when voters rejected secession 86 to 50 in
1861. The 849 residents, including thirty-four slaves,
may have been more concerned with preserving their lives
than the union.
If Texas joined the Confederacy, federal troops would
withdraw from the Red River area. Government soldiers
provided the only protection from Indian raids, and
their removal would leave the underpopulated county
exposed to attacks from Indians who far outnumbered
them. The next fifteen years confirmed their fears, as
Indian raids forced farmers to abandon their homes. In
1863, for example, an Indian attack wiped out the
community of Illinois Bend! The end of the Civil War did
not resolve the problem. Bands of Comanche and Wichita
Indians continued to harass the county until the
mid-1870s. As a result of these raids, in 1870 only 890
residents had settled in the county. During the first
few years of the 1870s, however, an organized effort
successfully drove the Indians from the county, allowing
the governor in 1878 to pronounce that Montague County
was no longer a frontier county. As the number of Indian
raids decreased, the number of settlers increased. By
the early 1880s the population was 11,000. The abundance
of grasslands had attracted cattlemen as early as the
late 1860s. In the fall of 1867 Montague County was the
last Texas county crossed by the Chisholm Trail before
it entered Indian Territory. For the next twenty-five
years county residents concentrated their efforts on
cattle raising, as a result farms produced forage for
livestock and food rather than cultivating a cash crop.
(info from: