My name is
Patsy Vinson and I will be serving you as the Kaufman County
Coordinator with the TXGenWeb project and the USGenWeb Project.
Changes are being made to this site and it will take a while
to get all the pages up and running. If you would like to add
some of your family information to this site, please email me.
THE HOST: I regret that I CAN NOT do personal research for you.
As host of this site, I do not have the time nor resoures available
as I live in another county.
Please feel
free to visit my other website to find researchers.
I will try to keep all new information posted as I receive it.
This site will continue to be updated with materials as they
are found and permission is granted for its use on the site.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have
any questions or comments, please contact me.