Application for Membership

Application for Membership

Please mail your check and completed application to: Hill County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 636, Hillsboro, Texas 76645

Dues are for the calendar year-
January 1 through December 31

New Member or  Renewal

Family $25 or Individual $18

Name(s): _______________________________________________________

Mailing Address: _________________________________________________

City: ________________________________ State: _________ ZIP: ________

Phone: ________________________ E-Mail: ___________________________
I would be willing to share my talents and interests in the following areas--please check all that apply:
Library volunteer      Archival preparation
Query research         Articles for The Crossroads
Program presentations  Other:

I would rank my genealogical research experience level as:
Experienced  Intermediate  Novice  Beginner
I am researching the following surnames: