1st Family Application2

INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: You must submit with your application evidence to support both your descent from the ancestor and the fact that he/she resided in Hill County between the years of 1853 and 1903. Give volume and page for book references and include a photocopy, of other facsimile comp of the pertinent pages, and of all published of unpublished records used fro proof. Do NOT send original records as they will not be returned. Typed, hand-printed, or written copies of documents, not certified as  “True Copies”, are not acceptable. Materials authored by the applicant or his family will not of themselves be accepted as proof. Information for additional ancestral lines should be given on a separate application.

PROOF OF SETTLEMENT IN HILL COUNTY BETWEEN YEARS OF 1853 & 1903 (marriage records alone are not acceptable as proof of settlement):

PROOF OF DESCENT: (list and include copies as stated above) each step must be proved.

I, _____________________________________________________, do hereby swear that the statements set forth in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permission is hereby given for HCGS to use information from this application in any future publication.
Signature of Applicant: ________________________________________________ date _________________

This Application and Accompanying Documents will be Adjudged as Follows:

i.            Primary or collateral evidence from vital statistics, court house or other Government records, church and  school       records, etc., is considered usually to be beyond doubt, and excellent proof.

ii.            Secondary evidence such as census records, County histories, newspaper clippings, old letters, Bible or other family records, contemporary to the facts reported, are considered almost as authentic.

iii.            Circumstantial evidence, or hearsay is not considered as proof, unless backed up by primary or secondary evidence.

iv.            Oral, written, or published family traditions are very often wrong, and are not accepted as proof.

v.            All proof documents must themselves, or in combination with other documents, actually state the fact to be proved. Implied evidence is not accepted as proof.
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