Did You Know 1900-1920

Did You Know? 1900-1920

The best seller in 1900 was "To Have and To Hold" by Mary Johnston.

Only one out of every 13 homes had a telephone in 1900.

The Women's Union League was formed in 1903 to urge women to join unions, since male dominated unions seldom recruited women members

The first Nobel Peace Prize went to Frederic Passy in 1901

In 1902 a coal strike occurred in the United States

San Francisco suffered a violent earthquake in 1906, costing over $400 million in property damage.

The number of cars sold worldwide in 1900 was 4000

Massachusetts became the first state to adopt a minimum wage for working class individuals in 1912

The Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914

In 1913 a Model-T was selling for $500, which was about half as much as other cars at that time

In 1914, the total number of airplanes in the world was less than 1000.

The life expectancy in 1900 was only 47 years.

The Boston Red Sox Beat Pittsburgh in baseball's first world series in 1903

Governor James E. Furguson signed into law a bill making Texas the 45th state to set up a highway department in 1917, and by the end of the year they had registered almost 200,000 motor vehicles.

The Lutheran College of Seguin opened in 1912.  It would later be renamed Texas Lutheran College.

The Wrights' 3rd plane, Flyer III, could stay up for half an hour.

The average weekly earnings in 1900 were $9.70.

In 1907, Seguin had 3 hospitals, 14 lawyers, 10 churches and 2 dairies.

In 1900, only one out of ever seven homes had a bathtub.

In 1902 the Teddy Bear was introduced, named after President Theodore Roosevelt

Albert Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity in 1905.

The Panama Canal opened in 1914.

In 1913, The Woolworth Building in New York City was completed, standing 792 feet.  It was the tallest building in the world.

In 1903 Marie Curie became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for her work in physics.

President William McKinley was assassinated by a mentally ill anarchist name Leon Czolgosz in 1901.

The first boxes of Corn Flakes hit the shelves in 1906.

In 1909 the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) was formed.

Ford produced its first Model-T car by the assembly line method in 1908

In 1907, the population of Seguin was 5,000.

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