TCAS Header

Header designed by Floyd "Lanny" Martin


The Texas City Ancestry Searchers was founded in 1976 for the purpose of
stimulating interest in genealogy and promoting mutual assistance in
genealogical research.


The Texas City Ancestry Searchers was organized on March 3, 1976, when a number of people interested in genealogy met at the home of Rose Davis and discussed the possibility of forming a club.

Over the years, the club has grown to over sixty members. The group has done much to further interest in genealogy and to expand the genealogical book and microfilm holdings in Moore Memorial Library.


Polly Anizan
Rose Davis
Mary Gage
Betty Hart
Billie McAninch
Susie Moncla
Mable Rush
Rose Lee Scofield
Ella Sheffield

EMBLEM: Spyglass


Anyone interested in the field of genealogy is eligible for membership.
Membership dues are $10.00 per year for one person or $15.00 per year for two persons
within the same household, or $75.00 per person for a Lifetime Membership.



Meetings are held every month, except for June, July and August, on the third Wednesday, at 1:00 p.m.
at Moore Memorial Public Library in Texas City, Texas.
At each meeting, there will be an interesting presentation on a subject of genealogical
interest, followed by refreshments and a short business meeting.

2015 - 2017

President - Frances Foreman
First Vice President (Programs) - Ron Schoolcraft
Second Vice President (Membership) - Steve Manis
Recording Secretary - Melodey Hauch
Corresponding Secretary - Donna Barnett
Treasurer - Dana Huoni
Genealogist - Floyd "Lanny" Martin

2015 - 2017

A. J. Amato
Jimmy Giles
Floyd "Lanny" Martin


Audit Committee - Chair, Clara Irby, Members A. J. Amato, Jimmy Giles, Lou Baker
Bylaws Committee: Chair, Dana Huoni, Melodey Hauch, Debbie Cothern
40th Anniversary Chair, Debbie Cothern, Linda Huoni, Diane Slaughter, Mitch Philpot, Melodey Hauch
Powerpoint for 40th Anniversary Lanny Martin and Herman Auer
Book Committee - To be determined
Custodian of TCAS Banner - Donna Barnett
Host/Hostess: Sanda Anthony and Lily Young
Membership - Steve Manis
Nominating Committee - To be determined
Programs - Ron Schoolcraft, Frances Foreman, Melodey Hauch
Publicity - Ron Schoolcraft
Scrapbook - To be determined
Telephone-Email - Melodey Hauch
Web Page - Betty Hendricks Dunquez


PROGRAMS 2015 - 2016


June 17, 2015
No meeting - Summer


July 15, 2015

No meeting - Summer


August 19, 2015

No meeting - Summer

September 16, 2015
Harold Raley - Early Texas Medical and Education



October 21, 2015
U. S. Battleship "Texas"



November 18, 2015
Camp Wallace - Blimp Base - Hitchcock, TX

December 16, 2015
"Christmas Party"

January 20, 2016

To bee announced

February 17, 2016
To be announced


March 16. 2016

To be announced

April 20, 2016
To be announced

May 18, 2016

Installation of New Officers


June 15, 2016

No meeting - Summer

July 20, 2016
No meeting - Summer

August 17 , 2016
No meeting - Summer




September 16, 2015 - Linda Cooper, A. J. Amato, Jr. and Joan Sisk

October 21, 2015 - Mitch Philpot, Sandra Anthony, and Lily Young

November 18, 2015 -

December 16, 2015 - Everyone covered dish

January 20, 2016 -

February 17, 2016 -

March 16, 2016 -

April 20, 2016 -

May 18, 2016 -


The TCAS has a volunteer program at Moore Memorial Library in Texas City to help anyone interested in learning to do genealogy, or has "hit a brick wall" with a genealogy problem. Volunteers are available by calling the Library Reference Desk 409-643-5979 or calling Lanny Martin 409-945-7049 on Wednesdays.


Galveston County Tombstone Inscriptions, Vol 2, 1986
Campbell's Cemetery Revised
Evergreen Cemetery
Memorial Cemetery
LaMarque Cemetery (formerly Paul's Union Church Cemetery
Price - $15.00

Galveston County Tombstone Inscriptions, Vol. 4, 1998
Galveston Memorial Park 0 Burials 1952 - 1962
Price - $35.00

To order, send a request with payment to the
Texas City Ancestor Searchers
P. O. Box 3301, Texas City, TX 77590



        Article I
The organization shall be known as Texas City Ancestry Searchers

        Article II

The purpose of this organization is to stimulate interest in genealogy and promote mutual assistance in genealogical research.

        Article III

Anyone interested in genealogy is eligible for membership.

         Article IV


The elected officers of the Texas City Ancestry Searchers shall be a President, a 1st Vice-President, a 2nd Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Genealogist.

             Article V


Section 1. Regular meeting shall be held as stipulated in the Standing Rules.

Section 2. The Annual Meeting shall be the April Meeting. The Biannual Meeting shall be in April of the odd numbered years. For Example: 2005, 2007, etc.

Section 3. All members in good standing and in attendance shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

          Article VI


Section 1. The President shall:

 a. Preside at all meetings of the organization and perform all duties pertaining to the office.
     b. Sign documents with the Treasurer and /or other authorized officer(s) meeting the requireents of the bank or these bylaws.
     c. Not be compelled to break a tie vote. As a member, the President has a right to vote: however, it is          recommended that the President not unless the vote is by Secret Ballot. The President should appear to be    impartial.
     d. Preside over the installation of new officers at the biannual Year May Meeting.
     e. Ensure that the Bylaws and Standing rules are followed, kept up-to-date, and revised and amended as required
     f. Designate two custodians of the Post Office Box Keys, one of whom shall be the Treasurer.
     g. Have the option of accepting or declining the position of Chairman of the Pubic Relations committee upon          completion of his or her final term of office.

Section 2. The 1st Vice-President shall:

     a. Preside at the meeting of the organization and/or Board of Directors in the absence of the President.
     b. Serve as Program Committee Chairman with the assistance of two additional members. This committee is          responsible for compiling and distribution of the Yearbook.
     c. Introduce guest speakers and present them a token gift in appreciation for their participation.

Section 3. The 2nd Vice-President shall:

     a. Preside at the meeting of the organization and/or the Board of Directors in the absence of the President.
     b. Serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee.

Section 4. The Recording Secretary shall:

     a. Record and keep minutes of all meetings, prepare and provide copies to the members at each meeting.
Extra copies of previous minutes of the last three meetings should be available.
     b. Keep a list of members with their addresses and telephone numbers.
     c. Keep the original meeting minutes in a permanent file using a loose-leaf notebook. All records in the custody of the outgoing Secretary shall be transferred to the incoming Secretary within five days of election, resignation, or change. The Recording Secretary is the designated Custodian of the group's  records, except those specifically assigned to others (e.g. Nominating Committee)

Section 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall:

     a. Conduct such correspondence as requested by the President or as required by action of the membership or  the Board of Directors.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall:

     a. Receive and deposit all the funds of the organization in a designated Texas City bank. Other items of  value should be appropriately safeguarded.
     b. Sign with the President and/or other authorized officer, all papers required by the bank or other organizations.
     c. Make all necessary disbursements and report the bank balance at each meeting.
     d. Remind members who are delinquent in payment of dues.
     e. Keep one key to the Post Office Box. Check the mail often and make appropriate distribution of          correspondence.

Section 7. The Genealogist shall:

     a. Work in cooperation with the Membership Chairman in securing Pedigree Charts from members, keeping  an account of those charts that are received.
     b. Index the Pedigree Charts on 3" x 5" index cards and keep them in alphabetical order in the card file in the "Texas Room" at the Moore Memorial Public Library.
     c. Notify members who have not yet submitted their five-generation lineage chart.
     d. Act as Librarian of all acquisitions, for example, tapes and books belonging to the club.

Section 8. The Board of Directors shall:

     a. Consist of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording          Secretary, Treasurer, Genealogist, and four (4) Directors.
     b. Have three (3) directors appointed by the President.
     c. Have one director who is the immediate Past President.
     d. Have general supervision of the affairs of the Texas City Ancestry Searchers between its meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, and shall perform such other duties as specified in these Bylaws.
     e. Have the power to transact business when it is not convenient to call a meeting of the General Membership.
     f. Meet at the President's request or, the request of any three Board members.

                                                                                  Article VII

                                                                     ELECTION OF OFFICERS

Section 1. All officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. The term of office shall be two years and shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting.

Section 2.  A member of Texas city Ancestry Searchers who has been a member in good standing for one year shall be eligible to hold an elected office.

Section 3.  No member shall hold the same office more than two terms in succession. No member shall serve in more than one office at the same time. Filling an unexpired term for more than one year shall be considered a term of office.

Section 4.  Should an office be vacated during the term, the Board shall make a recomendation to appoint a member of the organization to fill that office for the balance of the term.

                                                                                Article VIII


Section 1. Admission
     a. Application for membership to this organization shall be mae to the Membership Committee on the official form and accompanied by the Annual Dues.
     b. Upon receipt by the Membership Committee of the completed form and Annual Dues, the applicant shall          become a member, with all rights and privileges and duties thereof.

Section 2.
     a. Memberships will be paid Annually. See Standing Rules Section for amounts.
     b. Honorary memberships may be bestowed on a person for outstanding contribution(s) to the organization.          Honorary members shall be entitled to attend meetings, but have no right to vote and shall not hold an elected office.
     c. One month after date of acceptance into TCAS, new members shall furnish a five-generation chart of their          family line, completed as far as possible. This information should be given to the club's Genealogist.

                                                                                 Article X


Section 1. Standing Committees:
                 Standing committees of the organization shall be: Program, Publicity, Membership, Telephone,                  Host/Hostess, and Public Relations committee. On committee listings, the first person named is the                  Chairman.

Section 2. Nominating Committee:
                 a. At the February Meeting, the President will appoint a Nominating Committee of three and not                      more than five members. The committee shall submit one name for each elective office to be filled                      at the Annual Meeting. No name shall be placed in nomination without prior consent of the                      nominee.
                 b. The committee's recommendations must be submitted to the President prior to the April Meeting.                      Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the election meeting.

Section 3. Public Relations Committee:
                 a. The committee shall consist of three members. One member may be the Out-going President.
                 b. The Public Relations committee shall serve as liaison between TCAS and the local communities.
                 c. The Public Relations Committee shall report directly to the President.

Section 4. Auditing Committee:
                 At the March Meeting, the President will appoint an Annual Auditing Committee of three persons.                  The committee shall review all the Treasurer's records for the current membership year. The Auditing Committee Chairman Shall submit a written report signed by all committee members not later than the June Meeting.

Section 5. Publicity Committee:
                 The President will appoint a Publicity committee. The committee shall:
                 a. Contact news media and post notification of meetings and functions in public places, take                      photographs of guest speakers and Host/Hostess at each meeting.
                 b. Keep a scrapbook of all TCAS publicity and articles regarding genealogy. This scrapbook will be                      presented to the Out-going President.

Section 6. Membership Committee:
                 The 2nd Vice-President shall be the Chairman of this committee. The committee shall:
                 a. Receive and process all NEW membership applications.
                 b. Give membership fees to the Treasurer.
                 c. Provide the Secretary and Treasurer with the NEW member's name and address.
                 d. Maintain a Membership Register Book and a Guest Register Book. These books are the
                     "sign-in" books for each meeting.
                 e. Prepare nametags for members and guests.
                 f. Work with the Genealogist in securing Pedigree Charts and in the event they are not submitted,                      remind the member(s).

Section 7. Program Committee:
                 The 1st Vice-President shall be the Chairman of this committee. The committee shall:
                 a. Secure guest speakers or other presentations for all regular meeting.
                 b. Prepare the Annual Yearbook and itinerary and provide copies as stated in the Standing Rules.

Section 8. Telephone Committee:
                 Contact members via e-mail and/or telephone prior to each meeting.

Section 9. Host/Hostess Committee:
                 a. Compile the Host/Hostess Calendar for the year.
                 b. Contact the assigned Host/Hostess for the month to be sure they can serve.

                                                                             Article XI


After two readings of the proposed changes, these Bylaws may be amended/revised by a 2/3 vote, with a quorum present.

                                                                  STANDING RULES

     a. The Organization shall pay for the cost of preparing the Annual Yearbook.

     b. The mailing address for the organization shall be:

                                                                      P.O. Box 3301
                                                          Texas City, TX 77592-3301

  c. The designated date, time, and place for meeting shall be:

                                                         Third Wednesday of each month
                                                                            1:00 p.m.
                                                         Moore Memorial Public Library
                                                               Texas City, Texas 77592

 d. The Office of the organization shall be at the residence or office of the presiding President.

 e. The Annual Dues for one person shall be $10.00 and $15.00 for two members within the same household.  A Lifetime Membership shall be $60.00 for one person.

 f. Member's linage records shall be maintained on 3" X 5" index cards and kept in alphabetical order in the card catalog file box in the "Texas Room" of the Moore Memorial Public Library in Texas City, Texas  77592

 g. The Yearbook shall consist of a 3 Ring Notebook with a Table of Contents, History of TCAS, List of          Officers/Directors, Committees, Programs, Host/Hostess, and Bylaws. Items will be printed and distributed as needed.

 h. Any changes or corrections shall be submitted in writing to the President of TCAS or an elected officer.


Texas City Ancestry Searchers, P. O. Box 3301, Texas City, Texas 77590
Webmaster: Betty Hendricks Dunquez
[email protected]
© June 2004 to present, by Texas City Ancestry Serchers