The above picture was made in 1909 and is of teacher
and pupils
of the Shiloh Public School which stood near the road
just south of the Shiloh
Cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Bell-Pirtle ,teacher, stands
to the right.
Left to right:
'Top Row' Tom Lochridge, Fred Deyhle, Murray Lochridge,
Maggie Williams, Sedorn McKinney, Fay Dobbs.
Middle Row: Ray Deyhle, Phil Williams,
Elmer McKinney, Newt Self, Verge Deyhle, Clyde Jones, Dick Self, Fred Dobbs,
Alva Lochridge, Beldon Self, Fred Newhouse, Maudie
Sutton, Alf Newhouse, Nita McEntire, Frank Williams, Myrtle Self-Luttrell,
May Burkett-Hichart ,
Clay Burkett (barely visible), Bright Newhouse, Deskin
Self, Easter Newhouse, Annie Self-Mitchell,
Lillie Burkett, Corrye Sutton, Lloyd (Bill) Self,
Luke McIntire, Starling Dobbs, Bessie Sutton.