By Susan
Hawkins for the Fannin County TXGenWeb Page With Special Thanks to the Sherman
Public Library for their assistance and
Alice Patton for the use
of her copy and for Christine Haw for her indexing .
Souvenir of
the State
of Texas Borrowed from Alice
By Christine Haw Use the index and then
the Page Images are below Original
Index Images in the Book Some of the images below are not straight on the page as the
original book would not completely open and press for scanning. This
book is very old and yellowed. If I tried to straighten them by digital
means it caused them to be unreadable so I left them in original form.
The missing gaps in the numbers is reflecting the amount of blank pages
before and after photograph pages. The photographs are not numbered in
this index as they appear next to the pages of their own biography so the
main index will lead you to the right page.