   Fannin County TXGenWeb
Marriage & Divorce Records
Fannin County Marriage Data
Prior to 1836, only the Catholic Church could legally solemnize marriages. As a result, many Protestants will be listed in the Catholic records. From 1837 to 1966, the county recorders issued marriage licenses and kept
marriage registers. Copies of the records can be  obtained by writing to the clerk of the county where the license was issued. Or from the State Archives.

Marriage Certificate of Sam Burns and Harriett Dean
Issued ~ 17 May 1873
Wed ~ 18 May 1873 by Rev. Sam W. McKee , 
The Clerk was Charles Doss

Great -Grand -Daughter of Sam & Harriett Burns

"They died many years before I was born.
I did finally find Sam Burns's civil war record, but he enlisted in MO. It
did state ...that he was born about 1846 in LaClede County, MO. We still
can't find him on the census! He has been my brick wall for so many years
now. I found Hariett's Dean family, they were from MS where she was born,
and her father was born in SC. His name was Ethelbert ?Albert Dean. They are
related to many of the Deans in Red River county.
Sam and Harriett had children, Pete,Mollie, Rosie, "Tiney" or Lementine (yes, without the C), and Zona Burns. I am fairly sure all of them were born in Fannin county, I do know my grandmother Tiney was. I have a copy of Hattie's cival war pension request that named children."


  • View Marriage Certificate of Samuel Hidler & Mary Hughes in 1876
  • Marriage record of J.L.White & Rhoda Cook
  • Will do lookups on marriages 1849-1873 
    & 1879-80 only
    A Good Database of Marriages from Choctaw Nation, Chickasaw Nation
    & other Indian Terr. & Okla. Counties
    More Choctaw Marriages

    Fannin County Marriage Record's Online




    'Colored Marriage'
    Records kept in separate books.
    1866 -1894 

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