Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holt are the proud parents of an 8 1/2 pound boy.
RED RIVER Thrilling - Terrific - Violent
September 5-6-7
Don't Miss It
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Taylor of Gainesville visited here the past week.
For Sale: Piano in good condition. C. A. Russell
For Sale: "B" Farmall, starter lights, all equipment, including combination 3 disc plow. See Joe L. Dawson, Route 1.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fry have returned from a trip to Crystal Springs
and Cleveland, Mississippi. They were accompanied by Ben E. Fry of
Grand Prairie, whose wife and children were visiting her parents at Crystal
Miss Mary Frances Graves has returned to Paris after spending a two weeks vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Graves.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Brown of Windom visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rowland home on Sunday.
Miss Jeanette Hulsey returned to Dallas Sunday after spending a two weeks vacation here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hulsey.
John H. Parsons is home on a furlough after an extended cruise in the Carribean with the U. S. Navy. He will leave in two weeks for the Mediterranean Area.
Lem Tittsworth, Bonham has a good milk cow for sale. [yes, that's what it says!]
Mrs. Dorothy Hatch (nee Dorothy Keith) has returned to her home in
Philadelphia after a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Pitts.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Durham of Dallas are visiting their son and family Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Durham.
Polio Insurance
For Each Individual
Per Annum
Family Group
Per Person Annually
The A. L. Bartley Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Little left Saturday for Port Arthur after spending
the summer here.
Mrs. Little is employed with the school system there and Mr.Little
works at Sears and Roebuck Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvis Pike and daughter of Farmersville visited their
parents Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pike
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roach have returned from a most enjoyable two weeks vacation spent on the ranch with their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Roach at Glen Rose.
Cpl. Don Runnels of Camp Hood has recovered from an appendectomy and will visit relatives the next two weeks before returning to camp.
The building owned by Hal Little has been purchased by Ewing Little, where he will move his business for operations.
Radio Sales & Service, General repairs, Home Radios, Tube testing service, Alignment, Tubes and Batteries. For pick-up service call - Ewing W. Little, Phone 124.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfe and daughter, Shirley and Mrs. J. R. Carter
of Oklahoma City were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith.
Dead or Useless horses
Mules and Cattle removed
Free - call 16 collect
Mr. and Lake Webb and children Gerald and Anna of Commerce were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill Sunday.
Mrs. J. T. Jordon and son Johnny and Miss Muriel McLemore visited in Ft.Worth the past week.
Mrs. Aulana Levins of Texico and Mrs. W. E. Felty of Marionsville, Mo., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Erwin.
Miss Dena Rae Smith of Dallas visited Miss Robbie Smith the past weekend.
Mrs. O. L. Merrill and two sons, Sam and Hendricks were visitors
in Ladonia Saturday and while here
Mrs. O. L. Merrill contributed $10.00 to the Memorial Football Field.
Mrs. Merrill's friends will be glad
to know she is able to be up and about.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of Santa Monica, California arrived Thursday of last week for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Cal T. Scott.
Healthy Chicks
Book your August and September Baby Chicks Now.
BABY CHICKS after August 18
1309 West Market Street
Honey Grove, Texas
Mrs. Joe Wheeler of Dallas and Mrs. Haywood Watts of Mineola visited their father Virgil Sanders and their sister Miss Beulah Sanders Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayes of Lubbock are spending a two weeks vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hayes.
Mrs. Pearl Douglas of Kansas City is visiting her mother Mrs. George Douglas.
"Cotton Pickers"
Welcome to Ladonia and Our Store
When in town come in for cold drinks, candies, cigarettes, etc.
Complete Line of Adhesive tape, Chill Tonics and other necessities
"We Appreciate Your Business"
Contributed by Kay Haden