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Ladonia News
Friday, September 15,
by Kay Haden
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Miss Glenda Carter, daughter of
Mrs. Carl Carter of
Friona, Texas and Bluford Deatherage of Pecan Gap, son
of Mr. J. F. Deatherage
were married Sunday evening in the home of Rev. J.
B. Ward minister of
the First Baptist Chursh at Hugo, Okla. The couple will
make their home in
Pecan Gap where Mr. Deatherage is employed. [My note.
Marriage laws were
more liberal in Oklahoma. Hugo was the easiest place to
"run away and get married".
My in-laws eloped to
Hugo in 1932 and were also married at the home of the
minister of the First
Baptist Church. The minister was Rev. Ernest Quick in
S.L.C. Has Meeting
The Southern Literary Club met in call session Monday, Sept. 11th at the
home of Mrs. W. F.
Haden. Plans were drawn for the following year books.
Mrs. Phi [can't read
rest of first name, paper torn] Townsend was elected
member. Meetings to
begin work on the study course "The Americas" will
begin Wednesday Oct.
Cemetery Assn' Financial
The cemetery association
met Sep 9 with ten members present and two
visitors. Roll
call was answered with wishes and aims for the new year.
Treasurer reported
$34.85 expended during July and August. Standing
committee reported
the yard had been kept in very good shape the past
year. A vote of thanks
was given to Mr. H. Miller who has so graciously
given his time to help
the ladies in overseeing the work. It could not have
been as great a success
without his help to say nothing of the many, many
steps he took for us.
Those contributing during July and August:
Mrs. Virgil Clowers
of Fort Worth,
Mrs. C. H. Hall of
Blytheville, Ark.,
Walter Long of Austin,
Carl and Ora Dell Nuhn
of Memphis, Tex.,
Gordon Jackson of Dallas,
A. M. Howse of Commerce,
R. Crossley,
Mrs. B. Hill,
Mrs. S. Fooshee,
Mrs. G. H. Jones,
Mrs. John Miller,
Mrs. S. H. Fulton,
W. T. Miller,
Mrs. Jess Stevens,
Mrs. Sam Mitchell,
Mr and Mrs. J. B. Haden
and Mrs. Frank Moring.
We were delighted to have two new members,
Mrs. Gilbert and Tolleson.
Officers for the new year were elected as
follows: Pres.-
W. A. Bradshaw;
1st vice pres. - Mrs.
James Anglin;
Sec. and treas.- Mrs.
H. Miller;
Cor. Sec. - Miss Zella
Publicity - Mrs. Jim
standing committee
- Mmes. Oakley, Fooshee, and Merrill.
Years report.
Sept. 1938-Sept. 1939
Total receipts
Total disbursements
$ 28.27
Mrs. W. A. Bradshaw,
Mrs. H. Miller, Sec'y-Treas.
[That's it for 15 Sep
1939! Since it's June,
how about a couple
of bridal
showers from 1946....]
The Ladonia News
Ladonia, Fannin County
Texas, Friday,
Aug. 20, 1946
Estabilshed in March
An American, Fannin
County, Institution
Shower Given Recent
Mrs. Lee Hulsey and Mrs. J. R. Davis entertained Wednesday from three
until five o-clock
at the home of Mrs. Hulsey with a miscellaneous shower
for which many lovely
and useful gifts were received.
Mrs. J. R. Davis presided
at the register. The honoree's sister, Mrs. H. M.
Huffines presided at
the punch bowl;Mrs. J. R. Davis had the pleasure of
presenting the lovely
gifts to Mrs. Bill Hulsey. Those in attendance were:
Mrs. C. M. Hulsey,Mrs.
J. W. Hulsey,Mrs. Hodge,Mrs. M. L. Hulsey,Mrs. Luke Doyle,Mrs. Alice Phillips,Mrs.
C. A. Russell,Mrs. Flora Sheffield,Mrs. Robt. Davis,Mrs. Vernon Montgomery,Mrs.
E. Tolleson,Miss Ernestine Tolleson,
Mrs. H. M. Huffines,Mrs.
Hubert Bennett,Mrs. C. A. Moorehead,Mrs. C. H. Bowen,D. D. Campbell,Mrs.
Orville Mills,Mrs. Lee Hulsey,Mrs. J. R. Davis,
Mrs. W. H. Tigert,Miss
Jeanette Hulsey,Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Mann,
Mrs. O. H. Castle,Mrs.
Lilly Cathey,Mrs. Mattie Allen,Mrs. Ida Hughes,
Mrs. C. Johnson and
Miss Beulah Sanders.
Recent Bride Honored With Shower
Mrs. Elgin Fowler,
Jr., was honored with a miscellaneous shower Tuesday afternoon by Mesdames
J. C. Ward, Robert Merrill, H. A. Cianciarulo, and
W. M. Thomas at the
home of the latter.
The bride's chosen
colors of pink and blue were carried out in the house
decorations and the
refreshments. Various games were played, which
were climaxed by the
honoree's receiving many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served to
thirty-six guests.
listings of Graduates of
High School
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