  Fannin County TXGenWeb
Ladonia NewsFriday, May 30, 1947
Page 4

   page 4 of Ladonia abstracts
 Transcribed by Kay Haden
Please use the Search or find function
of your browser to find a name on any of the pages 
 Miller Motor Co.  Bonham,
Honey Grove
Curlee Cumming, County Supt.
J. L. Isom's Cafe
F. & M. State Bank
C. E. Euller
C. H. Woods & Company
E. C. Lawhon, Manager
Ed Parsons' Cafe
Edgar Rolan
W. A. Brandsaw
Albert Wooten, heavy trucking
Ritz Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Shipp,
Owners & Managers
Smith & Bartley    Cleaners
Robardey Hardware & Variety
L. F. Fry
A. L. Bartley & Company
W. M. Thomas
H. J. Lindley
Plumer Dawson
Alf & Alf's Grocery & Filling Station
Porter Hardware & Supply
Author Smith Electric & Repair
Beall's Barber Shop
Duncan's Grocery & Market:  A. E. Duncan,
Prop., Mrs. A. E. Duncan, Sam
Bryant, C. D. Fitzgerald, Clarence Russell,
Ebb Malone, Geo. Taylor
Yates-Morrow Company  Dodge-Plymouth,
J. I. Case Tractors   Bonham
Dyer Insurance Agency   Commerce
Brannon's   Reliable Jewelers    Bonham
The Ladonia News    George Kean, John Kean
Martin Lumber Co.  J. O. Blanton, Mgr.
Elgin Fowler
Ladonia Trading Co.
Erwin Miller Hdwre Company
Pike's Radio Electrical Shop
The Cherrie Shop    Perkins Brothers
Company ,Fry's Drug
Temple Lumber Company
Union Produce Company
General Merchandise
Model Dry Goods Store   Mrs. G. H. Jones
Gladys Beauty Shop
Billy's Grocery
Beauty Box   Mary Ellen Barratt
Coat's Cafe
N. V. Bartley, Magnolia Products
A. M. Howse & Son   Visit Our Studios  Commerce
Roy Crossley
Campbell's Radio & Shoe Shop
Clark's Chevrolet Co.   Commerce
Ladonia Cleaners   A. J. Malone,
Mrs. Eunice Malone
Morrow's Jewelry & Drugs   Wolfe City
Sharp's Cafe & Grocery
Texas Power & Light Co.   D. J. Walker,
District Manager
[Other ads - no congrats to the Seniors
in these.Some have ads in both
sections of the paper.  If you see a name
twice & want copies, please be sure to remind me you saw it both places.]
Wolfe City Hardware Co.
Lone Star Gas Co.
Campbell's Radio Repair & Shoe Shop
F & M State Bank
Porter Hdwe & Supply
Ladonia Trading Co.
Erwin-Miller H'd'w Co.
Howse & Son Studio   Commerce
Buchanan Butane Co.   Commerce
E. Jenkins   Granite Works   Paris
H. N. Winans   Watch repair   Greenville
Jacob L. Fuller   attorney
Dr. S. R. Lawrence   Optometrist   Paris, Commerce.
Pike's Radio Shop
Alf & Alf's
Duncan's Grocery & Market
Millers Hatchery    Commerce
Ladonia Cleaners & Dyers   A. J. Malone
[If you'd like to catch a movie
and have a time machine....]
RITZ Theater
Friday - Saturday
"The Gentleman From Texas"
Johnny McBrown, Caludia Drake
Preview and Sunday
"Suddenly It's Spring"
Paulette Goddard, Fred MacMurray
Monday and Tuesday
"Duel in the Sun"    Jennifer Jones, Greg. Peck
Wednesday and Thurs.
"Gallant Bess"   Marshall Thompson, Geo. Tobias
2 P.M.
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Ladonia High School
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