*wedding announcement insert was found and photocopied by Ruth Hasten Walsh
THE ALABAMA COURIER, Athens, Alabama, January, 1887:
"MARRIED - Last Thursday at the residence of Mr. N. J. Meadows, Mr. Wm. Hastings,
a well known young farmer, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Annie
Meadows. Rev. Mr. Holland tied this silken knot that binds these two loving hearts
as one. May they live long and be prosperous and when the "squals" of life come, if
they do, may they prove a bond to stronger bind these two loving souls."
*The following family History data was handcopied by the Loraine Dodston
Story, a Hasten/Hastings cousin, who generously shared her genealogy records with anyone who asked for it. Ruth Hasteen Walsh was present when Loraine copied this information. Not long after the data was extracted the Bible burned in a housefire.
This Bible contained books found only in Mormon Bibles. It may have been a gift
from members of the Eaves family (cousins and neighbors) who had joined the Mormon movement in Limestone Co., AL.
"What God Hath Joined together let not man put
This certifies that the Rite of Holy Matrimony was
celebrated between
W. E.Hasten of Limestone Co., Ala and Anna D. Meadows
of Limestone Co.,Ala
on 6 day of January 1887 at her Father's Residence
by Rev. E. H.
Holland. Witness: N. J. Meadows; Witness Mary A. F.
Willie Claudie Hasten departed this life October the20th
Anna D. Hasten departed this life July the 29th 1901
Emma J. Hasten departed this life February 29, 1932
William Edward Hasten departed this life Oct. 2nd
Floy L. Perry May 24, 1971
W. E. Hasten and Emma Woody was married Oct.
10th 1902 by Rev. Touby
D. F. Perry and Floy Lee Hasten was married
Oct: 24th 1905
E. C. Hasten and Sula Perry was married Oct. 6 1912
R.C. Perry and Ora Dell Trout was married Oct. 31,
Raymond Price and Lola Gertrude Perry were married
Sept. 8, 1929
R. L. Perry and Rose Gray were married December 16,
William Edward Hasten was borned August 28, 1866
Anna D. Hasten was borned August the 31th 1862
Willie Claudie Hasten was borned June the 28th 1888
Floy Lee Hasten was borned November the 9th 1889
Earnest Clifton Hasten was borned March the 2d 1892
Emma Hasten was born September the 11th 1865
Robert Woody died Aug. 13, 1886
Anna M. Woody died April 3, 1915
W. W. Woody died Dec. 3, 1909
Robert Woody born Oct. 5, 1826
Died August 13th 1886
Ann M. Woody born March 26th 1837
W. W. Woody born November 28, 1858