WEEKLY HERALD June 22, 1911



News of The Day

In Ezzell, the Garner Brothers have opened an ice cream parlor in their large establishment, where they are prepared to serve their customers with ice cream, soda water, lemonade and orangeade, fruits and fancy candies of all kinds. This department will be handled by J. T. Doss.

Ernest Rische is progressing nicely with his airdome be­tween the Herald office and the Lane Hotel. He thinks he will be ready for business by Sat­urday night.

Messrs. I.S. Hall and W. E. Pound went to Gonzales this afternoon to purchase the

brick for the new store room.  Mr. Hall will erect on his lot next to the State Bank.

There has been considerable activity in the land market out in the South Mustang comm­unity the past few days. Aug. Mladenka sold to Robert Becker 128 acres at $70 per acre. John Huth sold to Ben Harris 65 acres at $40 an acre. Hy. Hoegemeyer sold to J.K. Kutac 135 acres at $54 an acre. J.K. Kutac sold to Louis Ka­hanek 37 acres at $70 an acre. J.K. Kutac sold to Joe Kobosh about 100 acres at a price we failed to learn. All these deals are for land near the South Mustang school house.

Louie Ploeger and wife re­turned today from a week's visit with Moulton friends.

A deal has just been con­cluded by which the Dunn heirs dispose of their fine hun­dred acre tract of land adjoin­ing the city on the West. The purchases are Mr. C.H. Flato and Mr. Ed Neimann of Shiner and the consideration a cool $15,000.


Mrs. Hall is today mov­ing her stock of millinery from its present location to the building

across the street oc­cupied by  Morris Brothers. As soon as the moving is finished, the work of tearing down the old house will begin, and the erection of a new brick started.


The work of tearing down the front end of the J.S. Hall building next to the State Bank has begun. The rear part of this building will be moved out and placed on Mr. Hall's property on Gonzales Street and used for a Drug Store. As soon as the old building is cleared away, the work of erecting the new brick will start.

Mrs. L.C. Caraway has leased the old Yoakum House on Front St. and Nelson Street and will conduct a rooming house and  possible a boarding house therein.  Mr. and Mrs. Carter who         have conducted this for some months past have sold out and left the city.

Miss Bernice Browne Pace had a birthday party last Sat­urday.


Miss Alma Hillman and Mr. John Williams entered for commercial courses today at Baldwin Business College.

Mr. R.J. Humphreys started work this morning on a modern six-room cottage home on the lot across the street from J.A. Bethel in the W.& M. Davis Addition.




A fine son was born this 3:00 to Mrs. H.F.Grayson, who has apartments at the S.R. Davis home, corner Lott and Nelson streets.