June 15, 1911

News of The Day

The magnificent two story home of J.W. Greer, situated on the north side of Schrim­scher Street, was totally de­stroyed by fire Tuesday after­noon. The loss will approxi­mate $5,000, with insurance as follows: House, $2,425, fence $50, furniture $800, or a total of $3,275.        .

Master Bessie Largen cele­brated his 6th birthday at the home of his parents, Fireman and Mrs. F. Largen, on the    West side.                                 

   Mr. B.M. Lee of Rockport arrived in the city last night. He and Mrs. W.O. Stubberfield are making arrangements to open a new Bakery here in the near future.

The work on the new T.M. Dodd bungalow on Gonzales St is progressing nicely.

The brick work on the Lowrance building on Lott Street is nearing completion.

The City Council met and a committee composed of D.J. Shall, Philip Welhausen and Horace Wimberly was ap­pointed to confer with the rail­road officials with the view of

opening another street across the railroad property, some­where between Hochheim St. and the Depot.  A committee composed of Dullye and Simpson are to see about placing two lights on Grand Avenue. The usual annual order for a tax levy was passed making the total levy for the year $1.15 on the $ 100 valuation of property.


A.E. Beck has just purchased a lot from Cook & Traxler in front of the Lane Hotel, paying there for $1,500. Mr. Beck will build a two story brick building on his purchase as soon as details can be arranged, one of which may be the work of installing the city's sewer system.

F. Mergenthal will in the near future begin the erection of a new two story brick building on Front Street on the lot now occupied by R. U. Barclay Store. The building will be 25'x55' in dimensions and will be modern.

The Yoakum students that have enrolled In the Yoakum Summer Normal School are Ruth Thames, Eloise Stim­mons, Jesse Thames, Geneva Thames, Laura Dovey, Marie Hutchinson, Lylle E. Kelly, Grace Shoemaker, Susie Harding, Eple Crow, Iris Schope, Rose Kavanaugh, Au­drey Schoppe, Virginia Shrop­shire, Katie Tomford, Bernice Shropshire, Lillian Maresh, Marie Hutchison, Elsie Tribble, August Kocir, Albert Singer, Wesley Muecke, Hubert Mudd and Tom Ridgway.

Commemorative of the fin­ishing of his handsome bunga­low home on Hugo Street, Mr. C.H. George invited a number of his friends up to make merry with him. Those present  were J.G. House, S. K.  Buchanan, E.S. Winfree, W.E. Green, A. J. Ross, D.J. Shall, Ned Williams and D.G. Russell.


Miss Mabel Leigh Kirk and Mr. John Rogers Young were united in marriage today. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Kirk, a graduate of our high school and taught  for two years in the Yoakum public school. The groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Young and also reared in this city. He was with Uncle Sam a number of years and spent time in the Philippines.



   A new boy has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Friedel who live a few miles Southwest of the city. This is their ninth boy --a record that cannot be duplicated in many

sections of South Texas. If history repeats itself this family can have a baseball team of their own some of these days.


Mrs. Ben Barre received the sad news last Saturday that her aged father had died in Ger­many.

The remains of the lamented G. Hinds arrived on the Crockett last night from Houston and were carried to the home of his brother, Sy Hinds, where they will be kept until 5:00 and at that hour, they were conveyed to their last resting place in the City Cemetery.

  Miss Clem Franks, 76, died at Sweet Home.




2 acres on Corporation Line

131 acres, 4 1/2 miles from Yoakum. Good house, barn and well with windmill, $55 an

acre; is  bargain at that.

15 acres in Hochheim, 1,600; Improvements cost $1,200.

50 acres near town, running water, wood and good crop on the place. Better took at it before it is sold.

2, 100 acres near  Kenedy. We sell cheap on terns to suit purchaser.