Yoakum Weekly Herald Dec

Yoakum Weekly Herald Dec. 10, 1908


The elocution pupils of Miss Olive CULPEPPER gave their term recital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. GREER. The pupils were: Edgar CAIN, Fannie TATUM, Walter Lee LANDER, Maude WALLACE, Gertrude ARNOLD, Emma SMITH, Bernice BROWN, Maybelle GEORGE, Louise GREEN Blanch WILSON, Inez GREER, and Mary WALLACE.

Where stood this morning the beautiful two story residence of Conductor HARR and which was so quickly lapped off the face of the earth by the maddening flames of that awful demon, fire, now lies nothing to be seen but ashes and charred debris. The loss will amount to between $3000 and $4000.

Miss Nellie HALE entertained a number of her  friends at the home of Mrs. L.H. HALE. Those present were Misses Julia MYATT, Emogene TAYLOR, Eunice FITCH, Gladys EVERSON, Marguerite WOOLSEY, Bernice BROWN, Mabel EAVES, Annie COOK, Mary Hunter HUMPHREYS, Nellie HALE, Messrs. Sam MOORE, Bill MOORE, Doran VICK, Oscar DAVIS, Charles PERRENOTT, Orian PERENOTT, Vance SHOEMAKER, Claud EAVES, Sidney BENBOW, Frank LYNN, and Freeman GILMER.

Mr. and Mrs. H. LONG were shopping in Yoakum Saturday.

Dr. H.C. BOONE of Richmond, Texas has decided to locate here and made arrangements to office in the CHAMBERS Drug Store.

At a meeting of Myrtle Lodge No. 50 Royal Achates, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J.W. FREEMAN, Pres.,; Mrs. J.W. FREEMAN, V. Pres.; C.G. SARTORIUS, past Pres; Perry NOESSEL, Sec; Frank PONISH, Treas: W.R. HUDDLESTON, Marshal: J.W. DAVIS, Chaplain; W.W. NEEL, Inner Guard; Frank SARTORIUS, Outer Guard; Robert WEST, Wm. ENGLEMANN, and J.M. CLARK. Trustees: Mrs. Sallie WILBORN, Mrs. C.G. SARTORIUS and C.G. SARTORIUS, Sick Committee.

R.G. FREYER, who lived on Rural Route 2, has moved to town and has rented the two story house formerly occupied by Mrs. DAUGHTERY.

The EILER’s BIG SHOW arrived in the city this morning and pitched their tent on the vacant lots next to where the old opera house stood. Tonight they will put on the well known play “Rip Van Winkle”.



Miss Amelia CASAL and Mr. William Henry KAUFMANN were married today at 10 am at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. CASAL. Mr. KAUFMANN is a young business man of our city, holding the lucrative, responsible position as manager of the HESS Saddlery and Buggy establishment and notwithstanding his citizenship in our city has only been something under a year, he has made many warm friends by his cheerful, honest and courteous treatment who will join in with The Herald in showering their congratulations and best wishes.

Mr. John CHANDLER of this city and Miss Mary PONISH of the Hackberry community were married in Hallettsville Sunday morning. The groom is a hustling young man and is connected with the SAP in the transportation department and is a man who never is lacking in interest in his work and he numbers his friends here by the score.

Rev. G.L. NEELY, on last Sunday afternoon performed the solemn marriage rite that made L.F. GRANBERRY and Miss Donna RICE man and wife, a popular young couple of the Terryville Community. The marriage ceremony was a novel one having taken place in their buggy near the Prairie Hill Church about three miles from Yoakum.



Mr. and Mrs. Jerry MCCARTY are the proud and happy parents of a fine girl baby.