April 27, 1911



News Of The Day

Last week some of the mer­chants of Lott Street had bought and ordered set along May Street a lot of cedar posts for hitching purposes. A meeting of the Retail Mer­chants Association was held and officers elected were E.C. Koerth, President; W.W.McVea, Secretary and Gus Rinn, J. Lyons and A.W. Woolsey, Directors.

The County Line Decoration and picnic will be held May10, according to Matilda Power, President and Annie Hopkins, Secretary.


Clementine North and Mr. A. Ludwig were married in San Antonio today. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. North.

Kate May and C.B. Thomp­son were married recently. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. May, Sr., one of Yoakum's first families: John May is the great grandfather of Miss Kale May and came to this  section long before Texas won her Independence from Mexico.

Lizzie Braud and W. B. Eb­ner were married at the Priests home near the Catholic church. The bride is a daugh­ter of Mrs. G.H. Woodrome and a sales lady with Lyons store. The groom is a native of Lavaca County, having been reared in the Koerth commu­nity. He has a position with C. Dees Mercantile Company.



Charles Carroll Smothers, 78, died recently. He was born Nov. 6, 1833, while Texas was under the rule of Mexico. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smothers came to Texas in 1828, and lived around Hal­letsville. On March 15, 1860 he was married to Miss Re­becca Stuart. He spent three years of his life in the confed­erate army. He was a member of Company B, 31st Texas Calvary and had service under Gen. E. Kirby Smith. Mr. Smothers earned his first money by cutting corn tops at ­the rate of $2 1/2 a hundred bundles. He spent $1 1/2 of this for a book.


For Sale: At a bargain, two good homes, two blocks from passenger depot. Owner not a resident and will sell at a sacri­fice. Price $2,600. See F.L. Jakubik, this office.

Wanted: Buyer for the Mc­Fall place two blocks from passenger depot, 7 room house and two lots, $1,450. Hamil & Chambers.