Two miles west of Cone, on FM 193Latitude: 334750N Longitude: 1012520W
Location on MapHistory:
Founded with burial, April 17, 1897, of W.G. English, Father of J.P.and E.M.English, on land patented by the state to J.P.English, Oct. 9, 1897. Title was adopted after Post Office was named in 1903 for rancher Stanton J. Cone. Cemetery was bought by Judge Pink L. Parrish for Crosby County, May 8, 1910.Cemetery Association:
c/o Eddie Verett, President
891 US. Highway 62/207
Ralls, TX 79357
Members of the Board: Karen Houchin, Melissa Verett, Eddie Verett,L.T. Starkey, Pat Yoakum, Bill Gilbreath, and Grace Ashley
Cone Cemetery Assoc. completes the 2006 Revitalization Project: The Cone Cemetery Association undertook some ambitious projects in 2006 and completed everyone of them with the work being done with much volunteer work and the help of funds from local businesses and from the support of generous grants from the Dr. W.B. Haney Foundation and the Wheeler Foundation, two Foundations that support worthy Crosby County projects.The Cone Cemetery Association 2006 Revitalization Project consisted of two parts. Part One: They repaired and painted the Cone Cemetery sign and the old building was removed and the white fence was repainted. Dirt work was done and repair was done to some damaged markers. Part Two: Graves of unidentified remains were marked with white crosses, and small granite markers were placed at historic graves that had no marker. In addition, a damaged historic headstone was replaced. Much volunteer work went into locating and marking these sites.
The star of the cemetery is the new flagpole. It serves as host to the entire cemetery having been relocated to the center of the grounds and hosts both the U.S. and Texas Flag.
The projects cost in excess of $10,000. the money was raised through personal and business donations and the Haney and Wheeler Grants. Many regular supporters chipped in and doubled their regular contributions. Thanks to everyone that helped.
This project was made possible in part by Crosby County Pump, Owens Co-Op Gin, Producers Co-Op, Lighthouse Electric, Brown's Implement, Hurst Farm Supply, Wayne Mixon, Dan Apple, and Crosbyton Seed Co.
Section A |
Section B |
Section C |
C-266 Wilkins, Douglas |
A-55 |
A-54 |
C-105 | |
C-264 Urbono, Morin |
A-53 |
A-262 |
C-104 | C-263 Prado, Infant |
A-52 |
A-107 |
A- 261 (r) |
C-103 | C-262 Prado, Maria |
A-51 |
A-106 |
A-206 (r) |
A- 260 (r) |
C-51 Unknown |
C-102 | |
C-261 N/A |
A-50 | A-105 |
A-157 Crump, Alma D. |
A-207 (r) |
A-259 Houchin, Doris |
C-50 |
C-101 |
C-145 |
C-206 |
260 Unk. |
A-49 |
A-104 |
156 Crump, Amanda |
A-206 Jackson, Hortense |
A-258 Waylon Houchin |
C-49 |
C-100 |
C-144 |
C-205 |
C-259 |
A-48 |
A-103 |
A-155 Crump, J.W. |
A-205 Jackson, Joe |
A-257 (r) |
A-310 Unknown |
C-48 |
C-99 |
C-143 |
C-204 |
C-258 |
A-47 |
A-102 |
A-154 Crump, Wootie |
A-204 Nance, Georgia |
A-256 (r) |
A-309 |
B-47 Unk. |
B-96 |
B-142 (r) |
B-192 |
C-47 Cantu, Ramona |
C-98 |
C-142 |
C-203 |
C-257 DeLeon, Norma Linda |
A-46 |
A-101 Atchison, Joe Bailey |
A-153 |
A-203 Nance, Rosa |
A-255 (r) |
A-308 |
B-46 a Cummings, Ella |
B-95 |
B-141 |
B-191 |
C-46 Cantu, Louis |
C-97 |
C-141 Martin, Chas |
C-202 |
C-256 |
A-45 |
A-100 Mathews, Samuel |
A-152 |
A-202 Nance, Henry |
A-254 (r) |
A-307 |
B-45 a Cummings, Oma |
B-94 |
B-140 |
B-190 |
C-45 Esmond, W.H. |
C-96 |
C-140 |
C-201 |
C-255 |
A-44 |
A-99 Mathews, Eli |
A-151 Unknown |
A-201 Nance, Hansel |
A-253 (r) |
A-306 |
B-44 Cummings, Lillie |
B-93 Newkirk, Evelyn |
B-139 |
B-189 Unknown |
C-44 N/A |
C-95 |
C-139 |
C-200 |
C-254 |
A-43 |
A-98 Mathews, Emma |
A-150 Crump, Frank |
A-200 Johnson, Gladys |
A-252 (r) |
A-305 Verett, Keller |
B-43 Unknown |
B-92 Newkirk, Walter |
B-138 Dean, Allie |
B-188 |
C-43 |
C-94 |
C-138 |
C-199 |
C-253 |
A-42 |
A-97 (r) Boness |
A-149 Crump, Ida |
A-199 Verett, Dean |
A-251 Monnie Landmon |
A-304 |
B-42 |
B-91 |
B-137 Dean, Joseph |
B-187 |
C-42 N/A |
C-93 |
C-137 |
C-198 |
C-252 |
A-41 |
A-96 Ragle, Anna English |
A-148 Shaw, Ruby Crump FM |
A-198 Verett, Clarence |
A-250 (r) |
A-303 Verrett, Kathy |
B-41 Watson, Nora |
B-90 |
B-136 |
B-186 |
C-41 N/A |
C-92 |
C-136 |
C-197 |
C-251 |
A-40 |
A-95 Sawyer, Jennie |
A-147 Crump, Luther |
A-197 Gilbreath, Jewel |
A-249 (r) |
A-302 Griggs, Dennis |
B-40 Watson, John |
B-89 Unknown |
B-135 Stewart, Glenna |
B-185 Unknown |
C-40 |
C-91 |
C-135 Unknown |
C-196 |
C- |
A-39 |
A-94 Sawyer, Dora |
A-146 |
A-196 Gilbreath, Curtis |
A-248 (r) |
A-301 |
B-39 Land, C.C. |
B-88 Berry, Willie |
B-134 Stewart, David |
B-184 Neff, Pat |
C-39 N/A |
C-90 |
C-134 Unknown |
C-195 |
C-249 |
A-38 |
A-93 Sawyer, J.C. |
A-145 |
A-195 |
A-247 Long, Lory |
A-300 (r) |
B-38 Unk.Inf. |
B-87 Berry, Lola |
B-133 Unknown |
A (r) |
C-38 |
C-89 |
C-133 |
C-194 |
C-248 |
A-37 Unknown |
A-92 Sawyer, Joseph R. |
A-144 |
A-194 |
A-246 |
A-299 Patterson, Warren |
B-37 Marshall, Mildred |
B-86 Berry, Fred |
B-132 Unknown |
B-182 Wilson, John |
37 N/A |
C-88 |
C-132 |
C-193 |
C-247 |
A-36 Unknown |
A-91 Sawyer, Earl |
A-143 |
A-193 Burial? |
A-245 (r) |
A-298 Patterson, Oma |
B-36 Marshall, Olan |
B-85 Robertson, Helen LaDoris |
B-131 Glen, Mrs. Mae |
B-181 |
C-36 Unknown |
C-87 |
C-131 |
C-192 |
C-246 |
A-35 Unknown |
A-90 Sawyer, Ethel |
A-142 |
A-192 Edwards, Loma |
A-244 (r) |
A-297 Patterson, J.S. |
B-35 Allison, Emogene |
B-84 Robertson, Jim |
B-130 (r) |
B-180 |
C-35 N/A |
C-86 |
C-130 |
C-191 |
C-245 |
A-34 |
A-89 Sawyer, Robert B. |
A-141 |
A-191 Edwards, Charles |
A-243 |
A-296 Patterson, Chloe |
B-34 Allison, W.L. |
B-83 Unknown |
B-129 Robertson, Charles |
B-179 |
C-34 Stone, Mary |
C-85 |
C-129 |
C-190 |
C-244 |
A-33 |
A-88 Sawyer, Frances I. |
A-140 |
A-190 |
A-242 (r) |
A-295 Patterson, John |
B-33 Morgan, William |
B-82 Robertson, Tony |
B-128 Vernon, Iris |
B-178 |
C-33 Stone, Roddie |
C-84 |
C-128 |
C-189 |
C-243 |
A-32 |
A-87 Westbury, Annette |
A-139 Unk.Baby |
A-189 |
A-241 (r) |
A-294 Newson, Laura |
B-32 Thompson, Nancy |
B-81 Robertson, Bill |
B-127 Vernon, Alvin |
B-177 |
C-32 |
C-83 |
C-127 |
C-188 |
C-242 |
A-31 |
Westbury, JoeA-86 |
A-138 Tomlinson, Gladys |
A-188 |
A-240 Shurbert, Lilburn |
A-293 |
B-31 Thompson, Beulah |
80 Hulsey, Edith |
126 Floyd, Baby J.F. |
176 |
C-31 Unknown |
C-82 |
C-126 |
C-187 |
C-241 |
A-30 |
A-85 Harris, Elizabeth |
A-137 N/A |
A-187 |
A-239 Shurbert, Grace |
A-292 |
B-30 Unknown |
B-79 Hulsey, Mary |
B-125 |
B-175 Guthrie, Mrs. Ethel |
C-30 Stone, John |
C-81 |
C-125 |
C-186 Unknown |
C-240 |
A-29 Howard, Martin E. |
A-84 Almon, S.A. |
A-136 Tomlinson, Sue |
A-186 |
A-238 |
A-291 Travis, Elizabeth |
B-29 Unk. |
B-78 Martha Botkin |
B-124 |
B-174 |
C-29 |
C-80 Hennington, William |
C-124 |
C-185 |
C-239 (r) |
A-28 Herrington, Effie |
A-83 Harris, James |
A-135 Tomlinson, Leonard |
A-185 Young, Gladys Dell |
A-237 |
A-290 Travis, Milton |
B-28 Stark, Theodore |
B-77 Hamilton, Robert |
B-123 |
B-173 Blasingame, Robert |
C-28 Unknown |
C-79 Woffard, Gene |
C-123 |
C-184 |
C-238 (r) |
A-27 Howard, Martin W. |
A-82 Harris, Sarah L. |
A-134 Tomlinson, Vina |
A-184 Young, Juanita |
A-236 |
A-289 |
B-27 Stark, Martha |
B-76 Janes, Mrs. N.A. |
B-122 Shipp, William |
B-172 Blasingame, Martha |
C-27 |
C-78 Lee, Bryan |
C-122 |
C-183 |
C-237 Reynolds, Roy |
A-26 Howard, Dora |
A-81 Harris, M.P. |
A-133 Reed, Mady |
A-183 |
A-235 |
A-288 Head, Alzy |
B-26 Stark, Robert |
B-75 |
B-121 Shipp, R.L. |
B-171 Harry, Nettie |
C-26 |
C-77 McCubbin, Louella |
C-121 |
C-182 |
C-236 Hall, Myra L. |
A-25 Powers, Hollis |
A-80 |
132 Reed, Jack |
A-182 |
A-234 |
A-287 Unknown |
B-25 Stark, Walter |
B-74 N/A |
B-120 |
B-170 |
C-25 |
C-76 Lee, Joseph |
C-120 |
C-181 |
C-235 Hall, James E. |
A-24 |
A-79 |
A-131 |
A-181 |
A-233 |
A-286 Jennings, Lillian |
B-24 Unk. |
B-73 Cheyne, Anice |
B-119 Unknown |
B-169 |
C-24 |
C-75 Lee, Martha |
C-119 |
C-180 |
C-234 Millican, Lucille |
A-23 |
A-78 |
A-130 |
A-180 |
A-232 |
A-285 Jennings, Margaret |
B-23 Ward, Wylie |
B-72 |
B-118 Parrish, Efford |
B-168 |
C-23 |
C-74 Powell, Maude |
C-128 |
C-179 |
C-233 Millican, C.E. |
A-22 |
A-77 |
A-129 |
A-179 |
A-231 |
A-284 Jennings, Elias |
B-22 Unk. |
B-71 Cheyne, James |
B-117 Parrish, Robert |
B-167 |
C-22 |
C-73 Powell, Walter |
C-127 Nance, Olene |
C-178 |
C-232 Walker, Hattie |
A-21 |
A-76 |
A-128 Harris, Robert |
A-178 |
A-230 |
A-283 Boatman, Artie |
B-21 |
B-70 Kropp, Vietta |
B-116 Waller, Hazle |
B-166 |
C-21 |
C-72 Powell, Cora |
C-126 |
C-177 |
C-231 N/A |
A-20 Seidel, Carl |
A-75 |
A-127 Harris, Vernon |
A-177 |
A-229 |
A-282 Littlefield, Boy |
B-20 Unknown |
B-69 Kropp, Robert |
B-115 LeMay, Marvin |
B-165 |
C-20 Unknown |
C-71 Powell, Thomas |
C-125 |
C-176 |
C-230 Millican, Lloyd |
A-19 |
A-74 |
A-126 Harris, Barney |
A-176 Davis, Lois |
A-228 |
A-281 Littlefield, Girl |
B-19 Avants, Sarah |
B-68 |
B-114 *== ¦ Flagpole LeMay, Ollie |
B-164 Day, Henry |
C-19 Unknown |
C-70 Powell, Curtis |
C-124 Unknown |
C-175 |
C-229 Millican, Ollie |
A-18 |
A-73 |
A-125 Harris, Melvin |
A-175 Davis, Bennie |
A-227 |
A-280 |
B-18 Avants, John |
B-67 Foster, Olius |
B-113 Parrish, Infs. |
B-163 Day, Bettie |
C-18 (r) |
C-69 Powell, Ada |
C-123 |
C-174 |
C-228 Millican, Robert |
A-17 Schneider, Minnie J. |
A-72 |
A-124 Ashley, Mark |
A-174 Davis, Gladys |
A-226 |
A-279 |
B-17 Unk. |
B-66 |
B-112 Jones, John |
B-162 Selby, Lucy |
C-17 (r) |
C-68 Powell, A.C. |
C-122 Callaway, Katy |
C-173 |
C-227 Millican Babies |
A-16 Schneider, Ernest |
A-71 |
A-123 (r) |
A-173 Davis, Aubra |
A-225 |
A-278 |
B-16 Blanton, Barbara |
B-65 |
B-111 Campbell, Jim |
B-161 |
C-16 Stark, Clead |
C-67 Powell, Louis V. |
C-121 |
C-172 Unknown | C-226 Field, Victor |
A-15 Schneider, Elizabeth |
A-70 |
A-122 Ashley, Bill |
A-172 |
A-224 |
A-277 Jones, James |
B-15 Blanton, David B. |
B-64 Unk. |
B-110 Gott, Chad |
B-160 |
C-15 Stark, Harvey C. |
C-66 (r) |
C-120 Callaway, J.D. |
C-171 Ross, Virgil |
C-225 Sexton, Vernon |
A-14 |
A-69 |
A-121 Ashley, Eva |
A-171 Davis, Mary |
A-223 |
A-276 |
B-14 Unknown |
B-63 (r) |
B-109 Gott, Mamie |
B-159 |
C-14 |
C-65 (r) |
C-119 Callaway, William |
C-170 Ross, Lonnie |
C-224 N/A |
A-13 |
A-68 |
A-120 Ashley, Kirby |
A-170 Davis, Thomas |
A-222 |
A-275 Hammack, James |
B-13 Blanton, David Max |
B-62 Bierman, Rachel |
B-108 Gott, Welton |
B-158 |
C-13 |
C-64 (r) |
C-118 void |
C-169 Ross, Adaline |
C-223 N/A |
A-12 |
A-67 Louis V. Powell |
A-119 Bartley, Edna |
A-169 Casteel, Martha |
A-221 |
A-274 Jones, John & Frances |
B-12 Goodson, Baby |
B-61 Henry, Curtis |
B-107 Hopkins, Ruth |
B-157 Unknown |
C-12 |
C-63 (r) |
C-117 |
C-168 Ross, James |
C-222 Dale, Louise |
A-11 |
A-66 |
A-118 Bartley, Ida |
A-168 |
A-220 |
A-273 Caudill, Robert |
B-11 Goodson, Maggie |
B-60 Unk? |
B-106 Noble, Velma |
B-156 Readhimer, Lola |
C-11 |
C-62 (r) |
C-116 Unknown |
C-167 Ross, Walter |
C-221 Dale, W.R. |
A-10 |
A-65 |
A-117 Bartley, Pope |
A-167 English, Elisha |
A-219 |
A-272 |
B-10 Goodson, Leslie |
B-59 Unk? |
B-105 Noble, George |
B-155 Cox, Luther |
C-10 |
C-61 (r) |
C-115 Turney, J.A. |
C-166 |
C-220 Dale, Laura |
A-9 Schrader, George |
A-64 |
A-116 Bartley, Olin |
A-166 English, W.C. |
A-218 Haley, Larry Dale |
A-271 Diggs, Sarah |
B-9 King, Eden L. |
B-58 Unk? |
B-104 Noble, Jimmie |
B-154 Cox, Edd |
C-9 |
C-60 Sitchler, Ruthey |
C-114 Turney, Harriet |
C-165 |
C-219 |
A-8 Schroeder, August |
A-63 |
A-115 Webb, M. Edna |
A-165 English, John |
A-217 Haley, Ruby |
A-270 Diggs, Thomas |
B-8 King, Daniel |
B-57 Unk? |
B-103 Cartwright, Ed |
B-153 Cox, Margaret A. |
C-8 Unknown |
C-59 Sitchler, Jack |
C-113 Turney, Nila |
C-164 Unknown |
C-218 Denton, Mavis |
A-7 |
A-62 |
A-114 (r) |
A-164 |
A-216 Haley, Larry |
A-269 Diggs, Annie |
B-7 Unknown |
B-56 Unk? |
B-102 Noble, Lucy |
B-152 Cox, Melvin |
C-7 |
C-58 |
C-112 Turney, Maude |
C-163 Cowan, Frank |
C-217 Denton, Cy |
A-6 | A-61 |
A-113 (r) |
A-163 English, Willie |
A-215 Kelley, Joy |
A-268 Diggs, A.J. |
B-6 Dakin, William |
B-55 Unk? |
B-101 Noble, W. Jesse |
B-151 Flowers, Jocoyt |
C-6 |
C-57 Noble, Eugene? |
C-111 Turney, Mary Ella |
C-162 Cowan, Eliza |
C-216 Denton, Zilpah |
A-5 |
A-60 |
A-112 (r) |
A-162 |
A-214 |
A-267 Noble, Gerda |
B-5 Lamb, Velma |
B-54 Unk? |
B-100 Noble, John |
B-150 |
C-5 Youngblood, Libetha |
C-56 Noble, Albert |
C-110 Unknown |
C-161 Cowan, Audra |
C-215 Denton, J.B. |
A-4 |
A-59 |
A-111 (r) |
A-161 Montgomery, Mary E. |
A-213 |
A-266 Noble, Ruth |
B-4 Lamb, Virginia |
B-53 Unknown |
B-99 Unk.Male |
B-149 Flowers, Vera |
C-4 Unknown |
C-55 Noble, Walter |
C-109 |
C-160 |
C-214 |
A-3 |
A-58 |
A-110 (r) |
A-160 Montgomery, W.F. |
A-212 |
A-265 Noble, Russ J. |
B-3 Lamb, Henry A. |
B-52 Travis, Opal |
B-98 Noble, Emma |
B-148 Flowers, Dewitt |
C-3 |
C-54 Yarbrough, Jadie |
C-108 Yarbrough, L. |
C-159 Thomas, Sarah |
C-213 Griffin, Mattie |
A-2 |
A-57 ? |
A-109 Cleve Cypert |
A-159 |
A-211 |
A-264 |
B-2 |
B-51 |
B-97 Noble, Carl |
B-147 |
C-2 |
C-53 Noble, Thomas |
C-107 |
C-158 Thomas, William |
212 Koen, J.J. |
A-1 | A-56 | A-108 | A-158 | A-210 |
A-263 | B-1 |
B-50 |
B-96 |
B-146 |
C-1 | C-52 | C-106 void |
C-157 | C-211 | |||
MAR | KER | ||||||||||||||||
Farm | Market | Road | 193 |
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Crosby County TXGenWeb Project
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