Crosby County Historical Commission, Crosby County, TX

Crosby County Historical Commission
This award winning Commission has received 50 consecutive awards for excellence in many fields of historical preservation.
Crosby County Historical Commission is involved in numerous activities such as archeology, archives, veterans records, tourism, cemeteries, historic photography, historical markers, museums, oral history, publication, rural preservation, school education projects and special events.
Mission Statement
Our purpose is to preserve, protect and promote history within the county and to that end we shall:

Marcilla Ellis,   Crosby County Historical Commission Chairman

Robert Lockwood,   Crosby County Historical Commission, Vice-Chairman

Tanya Kelsey,   Crosby County Historical Commission, Secretary

Debra Riley,   County Treasurer

Goals of Organization
Historical Markers
Crosby County Pioneer Memorial Museum
101 West Main Street, Crosbyton, Texas 79322 Ph: (806) 675-2331.
Ralls Historical Museum
Archives Records for Crosby County TXGenWeb Records on the Internet.
"Gone but not Forgotten "
"Crosby County History 1876-1977"
"Sun Rising on the West"
"Aunt Hank´s Rockhouse Cookbook"
"McNeill´s SR Ranch"
"A History of Black families, Crosby County, Texas, 1921-2001"

Crosby County Area Veterans Memorial dedication September 11, 2006.
Over 2000 veteran's names grace nine monuments.
200 block of Aspen Street on Courthouse square.
An Education Project associated with the Crosby County Historical Commission( CCHC). It was developed in partnership with the three independent school districts in Crosby County and CCPMM and RHM. Each contribute funding and study collections for an educators use in the classroom and on outdoor classroom excursions. Over 60 units of study are available for county educators to select from.

THC Article on Crosby County

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Crosby County TXGenWeb Project
Webmaster Linda Fox Hughes

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since Jan. 01, 2001