Comstock Ozona Stage Band


Comstock-Ozona Stage Stand, SH 163, 20 miles south of Ozona, was the first stop on a passenger and mail line connecting Ozona with the Southern Pacific railhead at Comstock 80 miles away.

  • Flagstone ruins nearby mark site of early 1900's stage stand, first stop on passenger and mail line connecting Ozona with Southern Pacific railhead at Comstock--80 miles distant. When stage pulled in about 8:30 A.M. (having left Ozona at 5:00) agent had fresh horses in harness for next 20-mile run. Agent's family lived in tent with a flagstone floor. Other structures here were rock pens for a pig and cow and probably a corral for horses. Automobile replaced stage about 1914, but wagon ruts are still visible.




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