TXGenWeb Cooke County, Texas - Home


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Cooke County, Texas

William Gordon Cooke

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to the home page of Cooke County on the TXGenWeb Project. Hopefully you will find these pages useful in your search for your ancestors in Cooke County. PLEASE NOTE that this is an all volunteer project and that we can use all the help we can get. If you have information on Cooke County history we would love for you to share it.  Send to the Cooke County Coordinator listed at the bottom of this page.

Your host for this website is the Cross Timbers Genealogical Society.
                                           Cross Timbers Post Newsletters     



Look Here for Cooke County Information: Look here for Governmental Office CONTACTS, MAPS, ON-LINE Information, PUBLICATIONS List, Other LINKS, Surrounding Counties List, etc.

The county seat is at Gainesville, Texas, which is the largest population center and located seven miles south of the Red River and seventy one miles north of Dallas. 

Gainesville selected as the "Most Patriotic Small Town in America" in July, 2012                                                                Medal of Honor "Host City"

 Cooke County was established on March 20, 1848, and named for William G. Cooke, a hero of the Texas Revolution.

Look Here for Cooke County On-Line Data:  Look here for on-line data such as CEMETERY listings, Cemetery names, Newspaper and Periodical excerpts, CENSUS Data, Historical Markers, Texas Death Certificates, Indexes of Books, Marriage, Probate, Delayed Births, Cooke County Archives and Century Farms in Cooke County.


Online Research Links: Texas Death Certificates, The Biographical Souvenir of Texas, Texas Postcards, Pilot Point "Echo" 1942, Texas TXGenWeb Archives, USGenWeb Archives,
                                         Virtual Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Texas Almanac 2014-2015

                                                                                                            Queries should have a Cooke County Connection

Message Board:  View all queries posted since September 1, 2000.    To search for a specific name, use the "Search" feature and choose the "Cooke Board".  

Archieve:  Old Query System we used 1996 - 2009.

Questions? A small group of volunteers have offered to answer questions and do lookups of genealogical and historical information about Cooke County. Please be mindful of the fact some of these volunteers who are members of the Cross Timbers Genealogical Society will charge a reasonable fee to do the research on your behalf.   (This fee is used by CTGS to provide research materials for our local libraries.)  Email your lookup questions to either of the county coordinators listed at the bottom of this page and be sure in the subject line is, "Query-Cooke County" and someone will respond as soon as possible.

Lookup Volunteers Needed - If you have access to Cooke County Books and information and would like to be added to the volunteer list please send an e-mail to the County Coordinator.

                                               TXGenWeb State Coordinator                                              
Shirley Cullum

 TXGenWeb Assistant State Coordinators
Jane Keppler         Carla Clifton       Patsy Vinson

Nominate this or any other TXGenWeb County for the Mike Basham County of the Month Award.       

All TXGenWeb Counties A-Z  

In Remembrance: Some gave all

Send query, questions or comments about this page to:

 Mr. Norman L. Newton, Cooke County Coordinator


I would like to thank RootsWeb for the web space to host these pages.

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This page last updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 10:12:36 MDT

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� Copyright April, 2008 to present by Norman L. Newton.  All rights reserved.  This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.  Information from this site may be freely used by individuals doing private, family research