Kempner Cemetery Kempner Cemetery, Clay County, Texas Surveyed by: Julie Coley on December 30, 2005. Kempner Cemetery is located on Evans Road and Hwy. 79, just North of Dean, TX. Take a left on Evans Road. The cemetery is located in the pasture at the first gate on the left. The cemetery is about a mile into the pasture. Permission is needed from the land owner since this is on private property. The owner lives on the first house on the left, the house is beige with green trim. This cemetery has not been kept up in over 30 years. There is tall brush in the whole cemetery and most of the visable headstones are buried under brush and dirt. Some headstones have fallen over. There are many old field stones and there are many areas where people are buried but there is no longer a stone marker. Many of the stones are very hard to read and therefore my transcription may not be fully accurate. There were 27 headstones found in Kempner Cemetery.
Website maintained by: Vicki
Shaffer, Clay County Coordinator
TXGenWeb State Coordinator: Shirley
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