Cass County TXGenWeb

Cass County

Family Group Sheet Index

Family Group Sheet Project
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Adams, James
Amox, Cornelius Morrison
Amox, Frank Preston
Amox, Jessie Bright
Baker, Samuel L
Barber, Josiah Woods
Barber, George Washington
Barber, Matthew Tolbert
Belote, Allen Walter
Blanton, Eugene
Bowen, William Asberry
Bryant, George Raleigh
Burson, Richard Jackson
Campbell, James Bonapart
Castleberry, Freddie
Cates, Andrew Jackson
Chapel, Thomas Jefferson
Chappelear, Benjamin Franklin
Cloninger, Amos
Cloniger/Cloninger, William Benjamin
Cook, James
Cook, John
Cook, Wesley
Cook, Wesley
Culp, Amos
Curtright, Cornelius Rowan
Daniel, James
Daniel, William
Davis, Andrew M (wife #1)
Davis, Andrew M (wife #2)
Dickerson, Simeon
Douglass, Colonel John Chappell
Drake, George
Drake, McKinley William
Echols, Elijah Pennington (wife #1)
Echols, Elijah Pennington (wife #2)
Echols, Elijah Pennington (wife #3)
Fite, Joseph Harvey
Fortune, Benjamin
Fortune, Edgar
Fortune, Zachariah
Foster, Andrew Jackson
Foster. William Emmett
Foster, William Esque
Hall, George Hilliard
Hanes, Elijah Jackson
Hanes, James Jefferson
Hedrick, Thomas Alexander (wife #1)
Hedrick, Thomas Alexander (wife #2)
Holland, Elvin
Howell, Casper
Huckaby, William
Hoover, Joe
Jordan, Albert Martin
Jordan, John Thomas
King, Davie
Kirkland, John Henry
Latham, William S
Law, Richard A
Lewis, A Edward Thomas
Lewis, Andrew Jackson
Lewis, Robert
Lilley, Vernon Edward
Martin, John Taswell
McAlpin, Thomas
McCoy, Reuben Whitfield
McCoy, James Henry      
McCoy, James H
McCoy, Henry
Miles, Roger (wife #1)
Miles, Roger (wife #2)
Millsap, Joseph Clinton
Mims, Henry
Morris, Samuel Sudder
Niblett, Andrew Telghman
Patrick, John K Clinton
Peck, Elijah
Perser, Henry Franklin
Perser, William Jennings
Perser, Archie Preston
Perser, Jesse Jackson
Robinson, Coleman
Singletary, Jonathan A
Singletary, Benjamin Haygood Leslie
Singletary, George Washington
Singletary, Edmund D
Smith, Bell B
Smith, Thomas B
Stacy, Robert Lee
Stacy, William Chester
Stacy, Amos
Stark, Charles Troup
Steger, John C
Stephenson, Joseph A
Stewart, Charles Henry
Story, Bennett
Thomas, John W
Vaughan, Davis
Vaughan, John
Vaughan, Judson
Vaughan, William
Waites, Josiah Hollingsworth
Welsh, Howell Marion
Welsh, William      
White, Albert
Wood, Jessie A

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