If you know of an option not listed here, or have information for an option listed below with "??" as its explanation, please send me mail. (To subscribe to the FTMTECh-L mailing list, send a blank message to [email protected]>.)
Modifying a value in FTW.INI is performed in two ways:
Accessing the FTW.INI file is accomplished differently in different versions of Family Tree Maker:
Or you may click on any option name on this page, and it will toggle between showing the description inline and showing it via hovering.
If you have problems viewing the options in this file, or have problems with Javascript, you may view the information in this alternative file.[Online]
ProductCode=52110 A code for the product, which changes for each version, also possibly each individual copy
UniqueID=32xxxxxxzzzzzxxxzzxxd4e6c Assigned by the web-site to the user when he registers through the On-Line button.
InternetMenuSet=True Tells the program to reset some of the Internet Menu items to their default states.
BrowserType=32 Can be set to 32 for 32-bit browser or 16 for 16-bit browser.
There is a number assigned to each of the most common browsers:
1=Netscape, Mozilla, Opera
2,3,6=America Online
4=Microsoft Internet Explorer
5= AT&T WorldNet
0, 7-10 Not used
Family Tree Maker recognizes certain versions of certain Web browsers automatically,
either when you install Family Tree Maker or when you use the *Browser Setup* command
in Family Tree Maker's *Internet* menu once you have the program installed and running.
If Family Tree Maker can't automatically detect or set up your Web browser,
manually set up your browser by locating your browser on your hard drive and setting BrowserPath, Browser and BrowserType accordingly.
For more information, see the FAQ article #1638.
(Go to http://ftm.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/ftm.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php and enter 'browser set up' to find it.)
BrowserPath=C:\PROGRA~1\Mozilla.org\Mozilla\mozilla.exe Correct path to the browser executable
IgnoreReg=True If false, the Register Family Tree Maker dialog box will be turned on. If true, the Register Family Tree Maker dialog box will be turned off.
UpdateAvailable=False The autoupdate feature sets this to be true when Family Tree Maker decides that there is an updated version waiting to be installed. Family Tree Maker will check for an update periodically (unless SkipVersion is set) and whenever the user clicks on Help -> Check for Update. (Having a firewall in the way may prevent Family Tree Maker from seeing that an update is available.)
SkipVersion= This will be set to the currently installed version number when an update becomes available and the user has pressed the Skip Update button instead of installing it. After this, Family Tree Maker will ignore the update until you click on Help -> Check for Update again (at which time, SkipVersion's value will be removed).
TermsOfService=TRUE Presumably, true if the user has accepted Terms of Service associated with the Family Tree Maker web site.
AgreedToBackupTOS=True Presumably, set to true if the user agreed to the Terms of Service for the Internet backup feature.
StartInFamPag=True If true, start in family view. If false, start in pedigree view.
(Preferences General)
Show splash screen -
Turn off the splash screen that automatically appears each time you open Family Tree Maker, before you are automatically taken to a functioning page.
(Preferences -> Dates -> Date Display Format)
Holds the settings for the date display format.
In particular, the settings for the Order style, Month style, Separator style, Day style, Range style prefix, and range style separator are all encoded into an integer value.
Understanding the value is best done by thinking of the value in octal
For each setting, add the appropriate octal value. After you have the final value, convert it to decimal for display in FTW.INI.
Date order: 'MDY' = 0, 'DMY' = 1.
Month style: 'March' = 400, '3' = 410, 'Mar' = 500, '03' = 510.
Separator style: ' ' = 0, '/' = 20, '-' = 40, '.' = 60.
Day style: '5' = 0, '05' = 200, '5.' = 1000000000, '05.' = 1000000200.
Range style: 'Bet.' = 0, 'Btn.' = 10000, ' ' = 20000.
Range separator: '-' = 0, 'to' = 40000, 'and' = 100000, '&' = 140000.
The default style is: 'DMY' = 1, 'Mar' = 500, ' ' = 0, '05' = 200, 'Bet.' = 0, '-' = 0.
Adding these together gives an octal value of 701, or decimal 449.
(Preferences -> Dates -> Date input format)
If 0, Date input is MDY. If 1, Date input is DMY.
FamPagFont=Times New Roman Specifies the font used on the family page
FamPagMaxFontSize=36 The maximum font size to use on the family page
FamPagFontSize=12 The font size to use on the family page
FamPagSubFontSize=5 The font size for some of the fonts used on the family page.
FamPagColor=250,246,199 The background color to use on the family page, expressed in RGB
(Preferences General)
Use FTM classic colors -
If true, reverts Family Tree Maker to the classic gold background used in earlier versions of Family Tree Maker.
(FTM now bases the program colors on the Windows operating system.)
AllInOneOptimizations=1 Number of optimization passes for All-in-One tree. If zero it goes on until the number of pages is minimised. If > 0 then it limits number of passes to that. (It is possible that 5 is the maximum number that may be explicitly specified.) Use for large files if time taken is excessive, though this will probably result in more pages.
DeleteStyles=TRUE If true, all styles are deleted when switching views.
FamFinderCD=X:\ Specifies the CD drive letter
BackupCD=0:1:0 Presumably, the location of a writable CD drive.
BackupCDSpeed=8 Presumably, the speed at which the writable CD drive should be used.
UseHeapSort=TRUE ??
RemovableMedia=TRUE If true, allows FTM to be used with removable media. NOTE: It's not safe to use this with floppies. It's OK for ZIP/JAZ types but be careful not to remove the disk while FTM is open.
SysColors=TRUE If true, uses the System Colors
16BitUnderWin32=TRUE ??
ODTMultipleSpouseDuplicate=TRUE If true, causes multiple spouses to be flagged with bracketed numbers in Outline Descendant reports.
GEDCOMSortOnImport=FALSE If false, enters children to be displayed in their Reference number order. If true, sorts the children based upon their dates of birth in ascending order.
GenReportsMemSize=16777216 Don't meddle with this value.
WFTAddSources=FALSE Prevents global addition of source from WFT
WFTSubmitHint=False ??
DataChangeRange=5 ??
WindowX=90 Location of the Family Tree Maker window on the screen when not maximized.
WindowY=25 Location of the Family Tree Maker window on the screen when not maximized.
WindowCX=1124 Size of the Family Tree Maker window on the screen when not maximized.
WindowCY=908 Size of the Family Tree Maker window on the screen when not maximized.
AutoBackup=False Automatically backup Family File - If true, Family Tree Maker saves a copy of your Family File when you exit the program. The backup file has the same name as the original file, but with the extension .FBK. You can use this backup file if your original file is ever lost or damaged. However, since the backup file takes up space on your computer's hard drive, you may want to de-select this option if your computer's hard drive space is limited.
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
If 0, Bubble Help windows are not shown.
Bubble Help windows pop up when you hold your cursor over buttons, fields, etc. for more than two seconds.
They give you instructions related to the item under your mouse pointer.
When you move your mouse pointer away from a Bubble Help window, it closes.
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
Cue Cards are tips that appear automatically when you enter a view and give you helpful information about what you can do in that view.
This value records which cue cards have been dismissed.
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
On facts page and individual facts card, sort facts by 0 = Fact name, 1 = Date.
(Preferences -> General, Search View)
Show search result indicator - Choose between 1 and 5 stars for the quality level at which you want Family Tree Maker to show search results,
with 5 being a highly likely match and 1 being a potential match.
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
If true, remind when the FamilyFinder report is "out of date".
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
If true, show star on family page for matches in the family finder report.
Don't allow new files to have same name as existing one -
Normally, Family Tree Maker does not allow you to replace an old family tree file with a new one of the same name.
If you deselect this option, Family Tree Maker will give you a warning message indicating that the existing file will be overwritten if you proceed.
The data in the old file will be deleted if you proceed.
Note: This setting does not have any effect on backup files.
Family Tree Maker will not allow you to overwrite a backup file.
(Preferences -> Help & Setup)
Clicking on individuals in trees and reports takes you to the: 0 = Individual facts card, 1 = Family page.
CacheSize=16384 ??
InsertMode=True If true, insert when typing. If false, overwrite when typing.
LastNoInternetDlgDay=25 ??
NoInternetDlg=True ??
NotesFontSize=12 Size of the font used in the Notes window.
NotesPos=153,20,1180,688 Location and size of the Notes window.
(Preferences -> General, Pedigree View)
Number of generations to show on the Pedigree view
(Preferences -> General, Pedigree View)
Enable animation in Pedigree View -
The Pedigree View animation shows the names shifting up or down a tree when you select a new primary individual or visit an ancestor or descendant not on the current display.
PedigreeAnimationCount=30 Controls the Pedigree View animation.
PedigreeAnimationSingle=True Controls the Pedigree View animation.
PedigreeAnimationSpeedFast=15 Controls the Pedigree View animation.
PedigreeAnimationSteps=10 Controls the Pedigree View animation.
PedigreePanelFiltered=False If true, the Pedigree Apply Filter will be checked and any selection filter will be applied in Index portion of the Pedigree view. If false, the checkmark will be removed from the Apply Filter box.
PedigreePanelOpen=True Set to true or false, if the panel on the left side of the pedigree view is open or closed.
Indicates which pedigree view panel is open:
0: History
1: Bookmarks
2: Index
3: Parents and Siblings
4: Spouses and Children
SEARCHFREQUENCY=172800 Presumably, the search frequency for something. The default number 172800 is two days measured in seconds.
SkipIntro=True If true, skip the intro that you see when you first install the program.
(Preferences -> General, Search View)
Include source information when merging online data - When using Web Merge, include the option to include sources.
TextEdWindowMax=True If the user clicks the Book's Text Item dialog window's Maximize icon (upper right corner), this item is set to True and the following 4 options are removed from the INI file. If the normal window icon is clicked, this item is set to False and the following 4 items indicate the window's position and size.
TextEdWindowBottom=1460 See TextEdWindowMax.
TextEdWindowLeft=10 See TextEdWindowMax.
TextEdWindowRight=1620 See TextEdWindowMax.
TextEdWindowTop=10 See TextEdWindowMax.
EidPos=242,54,816,497 Position and size of the Edit Individual dialog window
FamilyFinderCustom=False ??
FamilyFinderReminder=False ??
Backup=D:\FTM\FTM The path to store the manual backup file when using the Custom location option.
DataDir=D:\FTM\FTM Apparently, the last directory that FTM looked for a .ftw file.
04030001=2|1064220|1064233| Entries will be added for each Family Finder CD you use within Family Tree Maker. The numbers represent the last family tree used within that CD.
LastFile=D:\FTM\FTM\Roots.FTW The last file opened by Family Tree Maker.
File1=D:\FTM\FTM\Roots.FTW The first file displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
File2= The second file displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
File3= The third file displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
File4= The fourth file displayed at the bottom of the File menu.
InternetMenuNew=False ??
1=&Articles...|http://www.familytreemaker.com/cgi.bin/ftwmenu.cgi?f=art A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
2=&Biography Assistant...|http://www.familytreemaker.com/cgi.bin/ftwmenu.cgi?f=bio A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
3=&Message Boards...|http://www.genforum.com/ A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
4=M&y Home Page...|http://www.familytreemaker.com/cgi.bin/ftwmenu.cgi?f=home A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
5=&Research Services...|http://www.familytreemaker.com/cgi.bin/ftwmenu.cgi?f=res A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
12=V&isit Virtual Cemetery...|http://www.genealogy.com/vcem_welcome.html|4 A menu item to place on the Internet menu.
AcrobatReader=True Presumably, set to true if Acrobat Reader is installed on the user's system.
(File -> Preferences -> Images -> PDF image compression)
If false, JPEG pictures will not be compressed when written to PDF output.
If true, see JPEGQuality for how much compression to use.
(File -> Preferences -> Images -> PDF image compression)
If JPEGCompression is true, this is the level of JPEG compression to use when JPEG pictures are written to PDF output.
L = low quality, M = medium quality, H = high quality
Launch=0 ??
Show=0 ??
StyleVersion=52 ?? Section WinSock ftm9 ftm10 possibly-others
Version=257 ??
HighVersion=514 ??
Description=WinSock 2.0 Presumably, the version of winsock loaded on this machine.
SystemStatus=Running ??
MaxSockets=32767 Presumably, the maximum number of sockets supported by WinSock.
MaxUdpDg=65467 ??
[This area purposely left blank.]