following deed relating to Vale Chapel is held in the West Riding
Registry of Deeds. The reference number is shown alongside the details.
For further information on the registry, see
The information
was kindly researched and supplied by Alan Longbottom to whom we
are very grateful.
(Vale) Baptist Chapel 1869 633 090 107
Registered at Wakefield 9th September 1869 and dated 4th November
between Charles Towneley of Towneley near Burnley esquire [thereinafter
called the Lessor] of the one part, and:
- John Crabtree of Fiddler's Hill
near Todmorden grocer
- Jonathan Greenwood of Mars Hill
near Fiddler's Hill yeoman
- Samuel Sutcliffe of Vale near
Todmorden bobbin turner
- James Stansfield of Vale aforesaid
bobbin turner
- Turner Greenwood Holt of Robin
Wood Place nr Todmorden mechanic
- John Marshall of Vale aforesaid
bobbin turner
- Uttley Greenwood of Holme House
near Todmorden bobbin turner
- James Crabtree of Hurstwood county
Lancaster farmer
- John Crabtree of Hurstwood count
Lancaster farmer of the other part
called the [Lessees] purporting to be a lease for the term of 2,000
years to the Lessees, their executors, administrators, and assigns,
subject to the rent and covenants mentioned and contained.
and concerning all that plot of land or ground situate in Stansfield
in the county of York, part of a close called Crossley Holme, and
parcel of a freehold tenement called Sunny Bank late belonging to
Peregrine Edward Towneley deceased, which same plot of land is bounded
on the north-easterly side thereof by the Burnley Branch of the
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, and measure on that side 107 feet,
and on the easterly side thereof by land other part of the said
tenement and measures on that side 97 feet, and on the southerly
side thereof by the Turnpike Road leading from Burnley to Todmorden
and measures on that side 105 feet, and on the westerly side by
land other the part of the said tenement and measures on that side
127 feet and contains in the whole 1,285 superficial square yards
of land or thereabouts and is more particularly described in the
plan edged red and boundary measurements thereof drawn in the margin
of this Memorial. Together with the appurtenances to the said plot
or parcel of land and premises belonging, or appertaining save and
except out of those presents and reserving always to the lessor
all mines of coal and other minerals in or under the land and premises
thereby demised with liberty to work get and convey the same away
for his own use, he paying or making good any damage that may be
occasioned thereby.
which said deed as to the execution thereof by Charles Towneley
is witnessed by Thomas G. Sandy of Burnley solicitor and William
Parkinson Counsellor of Towneley secretary and which deed is required
to be registered 14th October 1868 by Charles Towneley.
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