Illustrated story of why and how the inhabitants rebelled and rioted, destroying the houses of the members of the Board of Guardians, including details of those who were committed to trial at the Assizes.
Over 1000 names, addresses & occupations of local residents in 1838 who signed a petition in support of their overseers against the introduction of the new Poor Laws
article taken from the Halifax Guardian Jan.1863 as the effects
of the American Civil War began to bite the cotton towns.
Submitted by John Alan Longbottom
(Cooper) Haigh's statement
of 1845 on her appeal against the Magistrate's decision to
send her from Bacup to Todmorden before she could claim financial
relief and
(Haigh) Walton's statement
of 1845 to the Overseer. A poignant story of an ordinary family
in Langfield