Pardons and Petitions, Sumner Co. TN

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Pardons and Petitions
Sumner County, TN

Source: Index to Pardon Petitions and Related Papers
Submitted in Response to
President Andrew Johnson's
Amnesty Proclamations of
May 29, 1865, ("Amnesty Papers")

Transcribed by Joyce Stark Blocker
and Diane Payne
© August 2002

The index includes three pardons and two signed petitions, from Sumner County, Tennessee. The pardons are for Munday, Shaver and Winchester. To view these Pardons click here.

At the very end of the microfilm, there is a section called Miscellaneous Filings. In this miscellaneous section are the two petitions from Sumner Co. TN.

"Petition of over 800 citizens of Sumner Co. Tenn. Praying for the pardon of Eli (Ellis) Harper, James Benjamin, Henry Moy (Moye), Seaton Moy (Moye), John James and Robt Hester paroled by Col. James Gilfillen of 11th Minn. Vols. said parties were connected with the Confdt cause and termed Guerillas and now at large."

Note from the transcribers: Although the file states "over 800 citizens," we only found 481 signatures. Of these 27 are unreadable.

To His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the United States

Your memorialist would respectfully represent unto your Excellency that they are citizens of Sumner County State of Tennessee that upon conclusion of the War Captain Ellis Harper, James Benjamin, Henry Moy (Moye), John James & Robert Hester are citizens of Sumner Cty were paroled by Col. James Gilfillen of the 11th Minnesota Regiment then commanding the Post at Gallatin Sumner Cty State of Tenn. said parties were connected with the Confederate cause and were trained Guerillas after they were paroled frequent attempts were made to arrest above named by the Military authorities which led them to believe that they would be tried by a Military Commission and not be allowed the right of Regular Confederate Soldiers. Your Memorialist would further present that said parties have been under continuous apprehension as they are informed and believe that if arrested they would be tried by the Military authorities and in consequence thereof have avoided an arrest, and many of them have remained together and armed; Your memorialist feel as assured that if Your Excellency would grant said Harper, Benjamin, Moys (Moyes), James & Hester full amnesty or pardon for past offences it would tend greatly to promote peace quite and harmony in our midst it would disarm said parties and take away all profit for going about banded together and armed; they would then return to there homes and pursue their peaceful avocations if the fear of arrest for things that accrued during the war; our Memorialist would further present that from their acquaintance with said parties and from statement made by the neighbors and friends who are well acquaintance with them that they anxious to return to their homes and depart themselves as peaceful quiet citizens. Your Memorialist would therefore most respectfully and earnestly request Your Excellency to Grant full pardon to said Harper, Benjamin Moys (Moyes), James & Hester for any past offences against the Laws of the United States Civil or Military as in duty bounty they will pray this Nov 20, 1866

View Petition Number 1

View Petition Number 2

For more information see the "Amnesty Papers."

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