Sumner County Court Record Transcriptions

Benjamin Ferguson, 1807 -- Estate

Transcribed by Brenda Lubrant at [email protected]


Note: Items that appear on the inventory of personal belonging of BENJAMIN FERGUSON recorded December of 1807 in Sumner County. The copy if hard to read, so I will do my best:

four head of horses
three head of cattle
about 47 head of hogs
wagon and __?
two ploughs
one pair glove
log chain
two axes
2 cow hides
4 beds and clothing
1 table, 2 pots, l oven, 1 fry pan, 2 hooks
1 flat iron
1 coffee pot,
3 pails & 1 bucket, 1 ladle
2 cotton wheels & cotton _?
some kind of plates that were pewter
1 _? jug
1 gun
1 looking glass
A parcel of cotton, a crop of corn?
7 barrels, 1 keg, 1 hammer
4 sacks of flour
Some old books (I would like to have them)
1 slate
__? horn
There is two or three more items listed at the bottom but it is two faint to read.
There is also a name listed on this inventory that money is owed to but I cannot read it. Looks like W M Dunskey, but I know that is not probably right.

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