ALSTON Died On the 8th inst., in Tipton County, Tenn. Dr. Alexander S. J. Alston, in the 24th year of his age, formerly of Hillsborough, N. Carolina. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 11/14/1834.
ALSTON See Harris
AMOS Died Mr. James Amos, aged 23, of cholera. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
BOOKER See Smither
BROWN See Morehead
BORUM See Jernatt
CONLY Died In this town, on the 25th inst., Mrs. Conly, lady of Mr. John T. Conly, aged 35. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
COOKE Died In this town on the 4th inst., of colliquative diarrhea, Mr. Henry M. Cooke, late of Beaufort, N. Carolina and former Collector of the Customs of that port, in the 51st year of his age. Mr. Cooke was on his way, with a large and an interesting family, to Texas. He was an enterprising, intelligent and upright man and died in the faith of the Protestant Episcopal Church . Randolph Recorder, Friday, 3/6/1835.
COWARD See Jenkins
DRUMMONDS Died On Wednesday, Mrs. Sarah Drummonds, aged 34. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
EVANS Matrimony Near Randolph, on the 17 inst. Mr. George H. Evans to Miss Edith White (both of Tipton Co.). Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 10/28/1837.
FARMER Died On Wednesday, infant child of Mr. Farmer. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
FARRENS Departed this life, in Covington, in this county, at the residence of Samuel A. Holmes, on the 16th inst., at 3 oclock P.M. of bilious fever, Miss Elizabeth A. Farrens, aged 18 years, daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Farrens, of Hardeman county, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Randolph Recorder, Tuesday, 9/23/1834.
FITZHUE Died Eldest son of Mr. & Mrs. Fitzhue, of cholera. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
FORTNER Melancholy Casualty Two of the daughters of Mr. Thomas Fortner of this county, came to their deaths by chewing the root of wild parsnip, under circumstances peculiar melancholy and distressing. They were at a neighbors house in the morning and started for their home and as it appears, found some parsnip, which they mistook for angelica, and ate of it in large quantities, as is supposed from immediate effects. One of the daughters had already expired, and the other lying senseless when they were discovered, as they were unable to reach any house after eating the poison, and were found in that sad condition near the road side leading to their fathers . Randolph Recorder, Friday, 7/10/1835.
HAMMOND Departed this life in this town on the morning of the 20th (or 29th) inst., after a short but painful illness, Henry A. Hammond, a native of England, aged 85 years ..Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
HARRIS Died At the residence of Mr. James J. ALSTON, in this county, on Sunday morning the 7th inst., Mrs. Emily Matilda Harris, in the 25th year of her age consort of Mr. Wm. H. Harris, formerly of Halifax county, N. Carolina; leaving a husband and infant son to deplore her loss. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 8/12/1836.
HARRIS Died On Tuesday, the 1st Orain A. Harris, aged 20. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
HIGHTOWER Departed this life at the residence of Mr. Robert S. Hightower, near Covington, on the 20th inst. At seven oclock, P.M., Mr. Joseph B. Hightower, aged 23 years and 5 months, after a short but painful illness. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
HOLMES See Farrens
HOOD Died Walter, son of Mr. & Mrs. Hood, aged 3 years. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
HUTCHCRAFT Casualty Intemperance On Wednesday evening last, a man named Hutchcraft, in a state of intoxication, fell from a flat boat at our landing, and was drowned. He was moving with his family from Shawneetown, Illinois, to Memphis. Thus by intemperance has a widow with five destitute orphans, been cast upon the charity of a selfish world. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 4/24/1835.
JENKINS Died On the 20th inst., at the residence of Major William COWARD, in the 23rd year of his age, George W. Jenkins, leaving a disconsolate sister . Randolph Recorder, Friday, 5/27/1836.
JERNATT Died, in this county, at the residence of Mr. James Borum, of pulmonary consumption, Mr. John T. Jernatt, aged 27 years. Mr. Jernatt was a native of Notaway County Virginia, whence he emigrated to Wilson County in this State in 1828, and subsequently to Mississippi Randolph Recorder, Friday, 6/5/1835.
JONES Died At Oak Hill, in this county, on the evening of the 2d inst., Benjamin Thomas, infant son of Capt. Jno. W. Jones. Randolph Recorder, 7/18/1834.
KENNEDY Died Mr. Kennedy, of cholera. Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
KIZER Died On Wednesday, James Kizer, aged 26. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
LeGRAND Died In this county, on Monday the 21st inst., his birthday, Major Peter LeGrand, aged 63 . Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
LYNN See McLeary
MASON Died At the residence of his father on Big Creek, Tipton Co., on the 19th inst., Mr. Benjamin C. Mason, in the 20th year of his age. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 6/26/1835.
MASTERSON In this vicinity, on the 12th inst., Mr. Jno. P. Masterson, leaving a disconsolate widow and large family of small children to mourn his loss. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 7/15/1836.
McLEARY Died, in this county, on the 28th inst. at the residence of Major Joseph LYNN, Rev. James E. H. McLeary, of this town, aged 25 years. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 10/2/1835.
MILLS Died On Saturday, the 28th inst., Thomas, son of Thomas J. Mills, aged 4 years. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834
MONCRIEF Died In Covington, on Tuesday the 7th inst., William Anthony, infant son of Thomas and Agnes Moncrief, aged 13 months. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 10/10/1834.
MOREHEAD Married In Covington, on Sunday evening last, by Jacob Tipton Esq., Maj. Armstead Morehead to Miss Harriet Brown. Randolph Recorder, Friday, 6/3/1835.
MUMFORD Married In Pulaski, on the 5th inst., by Rev. Mr. Reed, Mr. Richard H. Mumford, of this town, to Miss Sarah D. MORRISON. Randolph Recorder, Tuesday, 2/16/1836.
PATTON Died, in this place, on the 10th inst., M. B. Patton, a few hours after landing from the steamer Tobacco Plant, from below; Mr. Patton resided lately a short time in Vicksburg, and was from there last, on his way up the river; it is supposed his connexious reside either in this State or in Kentucky. His clothing, money, etc., are in the hands of Dr. J. M. SLAUGHTER, of this place . Randolph Recorder, 7/18/1834.
POPE Died On Monday evening, Col. Elias F. Pope, in the prime and vigor of manhood. Col. Pope was among our first settlers, and one of our most invaluable citizens . Randolph Recorder, 7/25/1834.
SMITHER Matrimony Near Randolph, on the 17 inst Mr. Gabriel Smither to Miss Martha Booker (Both of Tipton Co.) Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 10/28/1837
SOAPE Married On Thursday, the 28th December last, by Rev. Peyton Smith, Mr. John Stanley of Marshall county, Miss., to Miss Lydia Soape, of Tipton county. Memphis Enquirer, Sat., 1/13/1838.
STEVENS Married In Mississippi, Mr. Daniel Stevens, of this county, to Miss Sephronia M. Jones of the former place. Randolph Recorder, Tuesday, 2/16/1836.
STEVENS Died On Sunday the 29th, Mr. Miller Stevens, pilot, of Cincinnati. Randolph Recorder, 7/1/1834.
STEVENS Married Near Nashville, on the 31st ult., by Rev. Mr. Lapsley, Mr. Needham Stevens, of this county, to Miss Angelina A. Brooks. Randolph Recorder, Tuesday, 2/16/1836.
TAYLOR-Died In Tipton county, near Wesley, on the 7th ultimo, Mr.
Whig, Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 10/13/1838.
TIPTON See Morehead.
WHITE See Evans
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