William David Alexander Pruett

William David Alexander Pruett


Pruett1880 (25198 bytes)
submitted by: Frances

This is William David Alexander Pruett, made about
1880.  It was originally found behind a filing cabinet in an old bank in
Humboldt about 1992.  The name appeared on the bottom and they contacted us and my brother had it restored.  If you look at the Co. F Humboldt, he was one of
the few that survived.  The name appears at the bottom of that list as W. D.
Priwett.  Also on the list is N. A. Cresap, also Co. F.  In the book, "Ancestral
Echoes" on page 64, you will see a letter Mr. Cresap's son wrote my mother in 1962:

March 5, 1962

Dear Mrs. Pruett:

I have been away for some time is the reason for not writing sooner. My father, and Mr. Bill Pruett were almost like brothers. They were in the war together 4 years and lived as neighbors for the rest of their lives.

My father, Nelson Adair Cresap was born Sept 18,1841 and died 1 December 1935. Was 1st Lt.  in 47th Regiment, Cheatam's Division, Confederate Army.  He and Mr. Pruett were in most of the battles of the war. They went through lots of hardships as the South had nothing for them to eat and slept on the ground most of the time. When they surrendered they were in Camp at Greenville, S.C.and were paid off there. Each got one silver dollar and one silver quarter, balance in Confederate money which was no good. They had to walk home. There were about 7 or 8  boys from Gibson County so they walked toether all the way. When they got to the Tennessee River the man would not take the Confederate money so he made them pay the silver quarter to take them across the river. Papa kept his silver dollar until his death and we still have it.

I am 81 years old.
(signed) C. E. Cresap

(Used with permission)

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