Fidelia Mayfield Diary 1892

                  Diary of  Fidelia Mayfield 
                                                (born Feb 16, 1877)
                Nov 2, 1891 thru Feb 16, 1895


submitted by John A. Scruggs


Monday, Nov. 2, 1891. This is a clear, cool day. Aurie, Eugene and I went to
school today and had a fine time. Mr. Dougan went to Humboldt this evening and
Bessie, Ralph and John came over here and spent the evening. Bessie has a bone-
felon starting on her thumb. Pa and Buddie gathered corn and ploughed in wheat
today. Ma and Pearl quilted on one of my quilts today. It was the first quilt I
ever pieced.

Tues., Nov. 3, 1891. We have had a cloudy day, but no rain yet. The pond and
branches are all dry and we have to water all the stock out of the well. The
water is so stirred up that we can't drink it. Aurie and I went to John Ragan's
after water this afternoon. Ma has a very bad cold. Several of the scholars were
absent from school today. Elsie had a chill this afternoon.

Wed., Nov. 4, 1891. We went to school this morning and had a very pleasant day.
Annie Coleman got sick today and went to Miss Mollie's. Mr. Dougan, Bessie, Ralph
and John were here tonight. Bessie's bone-felon is worse. The well bucket has
fallen in the well.

Thurs., Nov. 5, 1891. This is a bright, pretty day. Bessie and her family spent
the day today and are here tonight. Bessie had her thumb split to the bone this
morning. It is better now. Elsie, Anna & I have fine times hunting up hickory
nuts at school. We crack them with brick.

Fri., Nov. 6, 1891. Aurie, Eugene and I went to school today. We had speaking
this afternoon. Pearl and Ralph came to hear us. Ralph talked out loud in books,
and all the school would laugh. The name of my speech was "Kissing Goodby."
Pearl got acquainted with Miss Irene Ramsey. Mr. Hess came in his top buggy this
morning and carried Miss Irene to Fruitland this aft. When we got back from
school Bettie Ann and Alice Woods were here. They came after milk. Bessie and
her family and Willie Dougan are here tonight.

Sat., Nov. 7, 1891. This has been a cloudly day. Pearl and Aurie went to
Bessie's to wash clothes. Eugene and I picked a little cotton. Bessie, Pearl,
Aurie, Buddie, Willie and Mr. Dougan have gone over to Mr. Simpson's to hear him
play on the fiddle. I guess this will be the last time they will get to hear him
for he intends to move Monday.

NOTE:  Aurie - Aurora (Mayfield) McCutchen
Eugene - Eugene Mayfield
Mr. Dougan - Samuel Pleasant Dougan
Bessie - Letsy Elizabeth (Mayfield) Dougan
Ralph and John - sons of Samuel P. Dougan and Letsy Elizabeth (Mayfield) Dougan
Pa - John Nicholas Mayfield
Buddie - Green Elias Mayfield
Ma - Sarah Louisa ( Booth ) Mayfield
Pearl - Margaret Luella ( Mayfield ) Taylor
Willie Dougan - William Monroe Dougan, brother of Samuel Pleasant Dougan 

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Sun., Nov. 8, 1891. It rained so this morning that we didn't get to go to Sunday
School. Bessie and her family and Willie spent the day here today. Buddie and
Willie went to Mrs. Lou Campbells this aft. to see Mr. George and Frank. Bessie,
Ralph and Mr. Dougan went home this eve. and they left John here to wean him.

Mon., Nov. 9, 1891. It rained all the morning & we couldn't go to school. We
went at noon but there was no one there. Aurie and I went to Bessie's this aft.,
then we came back and picked a little cotton. Pearl & Aurie have got all their
cotton out. They make nearly 400 lbs.

Tues., Nov. 10, 1891. This is a cloudy day. There were several scholars absent
from school today. Anna B. and Nina Coleman didn't come. I missed them lots.
Mr. Hess, Estelle and Frank Hardeson were the only ones at school yesterday. They
stayed up there until ten o'clock then went home. "Aunt Lucy" came down and paid
Pa $1.05 today for some beef. Pearl ironed today and Pa and Buddie planted wheat.

Wed., Nov. 11, 1891. This is a fair pleasant day. We had a right full school
today. Miss Irene went home last evening to see her mama, who has been from home
about six weeks. Lula Ragan came to school today. I guess she won't come to
school after this week. Elsie went home before school was out this eve to go to

Thur., Nov. 12, 1891. Mr. J. D. Osier, one of Ma's old acquaintances, ( a school
mate ) stayed all night here last night. He is an agent for Life Policy. He
wanted Pa to join his company, but didn't get him to do so. We went to school
today. Prof. Hess went up to Mr. Hessie Senter's at noon. Mrs. Sinthy B. and
Miss Minnie Bradford came and sent some of the little boys after Mr. Hess. They
stayed about an hour. Lula Ragan took the baby while Mrs. Sinthy went in the
music room to hear Miss Irene play on the piano. We all had lots of fun with the
baby. Pearl and Eugene are going 'Possum and potato hunting tonight. Buddie said
he would give them 50cts for every o'possum they catch.

Fri., Nov. 13, 1891. This is a beautiful, clear day. Bessie came over here
yesterday and took John home. We miss him lots. We had a fine time at school
today. I expect this is Lula Ragan's last day with us. We had a spelling match
this evening. Lillian Campell and Clarance Fitzgerald chose. Clarance's side

Sat., Nov 14, 1891. We picked a little cotton this morning. When we came to
dinner Mr. Osier and Mr. J. R. Senter were here. They tried to get Pa to have his
life insured but he wouldn't consent to it. After dinner I came up stairs and
went to sleep and slept until just about dusk. Then I got up and made sure it was
Sunday morning, but I soon found out that it was not. I have a problem in Algebra
to solve tonight. I have the headache very bad. Eugene went to Fruitland this

NOTE:  "Aunt Lucy" - an elderly negro woman

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Sun., Nov. 15, 1891. Ma and Pa went to Eldad to preaching this morning. Pearl,
Aurie, Eugene and I went to Sunday School. There were a good many there. Eugene
went to Mr. Coleman's from Sunday School and Pearl went to Mr. Penn's.

Mon., Nov. 16, 1891. This is a very rainy day. We didn't go to school today. I
have been making a dress for myself. I haven't quite finished it yet. I am
making it "yoke and belt." Aurie pieced on her quilt today. Ma is making a pair
of pants for Eugene.

Tues., Nov. 17, 1891. This is a pretty clear day. We went to school today. Some
of the scholars got in late this morning and Mr. Hess "quarreled." He is going to
take up school at half past eight o'clock and if any thing happens that they can't
get there in time, he wants them to stay at home that day. Elsie went home at
recess this afternoon. No one but Mr. Hess came to school yesterday.

Wed., Nov. 18, 1891. Pa and Buddie went to town today. They got six pairs of
shoes. Ma is sick.

Thur., Nov. 19. We all went to school. We had a lecture at High Hill tonight.
Aurie, Mattie Fitzgerald, Anna Dunlap and Mamie Campbell spoke. The music class
furnished us music. Misses Minnie and Tommie Ramsey came to the lecture and
played a duet for us. Mr. McFarland gave us a real nice lecture. The school sang
two songs. We had a right good crowd. "Somebody" wanted the "pleasure of
escorting me home" but I refused.

Friday, 20. We went to school. We are having a written examination today. I had
a chill this afternoon. They had a ciphering match this eve but I didn't feel
like taking a part. Aurie and Warner Dunlap chose. Warner's side beat. Bessie,
Ralph and John Floyd came this eve and are going to stay all night.

Sat., 21. I am sick today. Bessie is over here. Ma has the Erysippelas very

Sun., Nov. 22, 1891. This is a real pretty day. Eugene went to Sunday School and
preaching this morning. Pearl and Aurie and Eugene went to prayer meeting at
Eldad this eve. Dr. Kilmer came this evening to see Ma. He pulled four teeth for
Bessie. He said I had fever and gave me some medicine.

Mon., 23. The ground was covered with snow this morning when we got up. Aurie is
sick this morning and no one went to school from here but Eugene. He said there
were only 15 scholars at school today.

Tues., 24. Eugene went to school again this morn by himself. Aurie and I are
better today. Ma is up. Bessie & family are here.

Wed., 25. Aurie and Eugene went to school today. Mr. Dougan brought Ralph and
Floyd over here today. Mr. Bledsoe's baby died yesterday and is to be buried at
Oak Grove today at 11 o'clock. Bessie and Mr. Dougan intend going.

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Thur., 26. We went to school today. Eugene came home at dinner to help Pa pull
corn. They killed Frisk this morning for beef. Ralph and Floyd stayed here last
night. Mr. Dougan took them home this evening. This is Thanksgiving day. If it
had been a pretty day, we all would have spread dinner together. Lula Ragan
came to school today. We had lots of fun. Buddie picked cotton this evening. He
has several hired hands to help him.

Fri., Nov. 27, 1891. This is a pretty day. Aurie and I went to school. Eugene
stayed home this morning to help Pa pull corn. Aurie got sick and we came home
from school at noon. Mrs. Jennie Campbell and two of her children spent the day
here today. Mrs. Barnett and Annie came over and spent the evening. Buddie
picked cotton all day. Pearl has the head-ache very bad.

Sat., Nov 28. Pearl, Aurie and I picked the geese and ducks today. Pa and Eugene
hauled corn till dinner, and Buddie picked cotton. Then Buddie helped Pa pull
corn this evening while Eugene went to Fruitland.

Sun., 29. Pearl, Eugene and I went to Sunday School this morning. We had a small
crowd. Some nice little books were loaned to us to read. They belong to the
Sunday School.

Mon., Nov. 30. This is a very cold day. Pa and Buddie killed hogs today. Pearl
and Eugene took the wagon over to Bessie's this morning and brought our big pot
and tub home. Mr. Dougan came back with them to help kill the six hogs. Aurie,
Eugene and I went to school. I have got lots of studying to do tonight as usual.

Tues., Dec. 1, 1891. Aurie, Eugene and I went to school today. Pollie Dunlap's
new piano came yesterday evening. Anna Bennett got her's this evening. They
didn't study much today. I think they like them. The price was $400, but I don't
think they gave that for them.

Dec. 6, 1891. This is a cloudy morning. Bessie, Ralph, Floyd and Mr. Dougan came
over here this morning. Aurie and Pearl went to Humboldt yesterday. Aurie got a
dress, cloak and a pair of shoes for herself. Pearl got a nice black dress. They
got a nice dress for me too. They stayed at Cousin Mattie Campbell's last night
and came home this morn in time to go to Sunday School. We were expecting to have
preaching at New Shiloh this morning, but I guess Mr. Spencer was sick, as he
didn't come. We got real wet coming home from Sunday School. We stopped at Aunt
Lucy's a little while. Bessie and her family spent the day here today.

Dec. 7. This is a beautiful day. Aurie and I went to school. Eugene is sick.
Annie Coleman was not at school today. We had a small school. Lots of the
scholars are sick. As I have a great deal of studying to do tonight I will have
to stop writing.

NOTE:  Cousin Mattie Campbell - daughter of Polly Ann Mayfield & _________ Campbell,
Mattoon, Ill Aunt Lucy - an elderly negro woman

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Dec. 10, 1891. I went to school today. Aurie and Eugene are both sick. Eugene
had fever last nite, but I think he is nearly well tonight. Estelle is right sick
now. Elsie taught in her room yesterday and today. She likes to teach very well.
There were only eight scholars in Mr. Hess's room today. We had a "fess" too.

Dec. 11, 1891. This is a cloudy day. I went to school this morning but there
were such few scholars we didn't have any school. Elsie, Donie Rogers, Bertha &
Rosa Willerford and I were all that were there. Sickness has broken up the
school. Nearly every-body has a dreadful cold. "Miss Donie Rogers says that it
can't be hard study that is making all the school sick for if that was the cause
she would be dead." Pearl is taking music lessons now. Several in the
neighborhood met at the school house last night to decide whether to have a
Christmas tree or not. They decided to have a post office. I said the last
lesson in Rays 3rd part arithmetic yesterday. I guess we will review it a little
next week and not take up a new book until after Christmas.

Dec. 14, 1891. We all went to school today. We had a right small school. Elsie
is sick. Mrs. Coleman is very sick. Dr. Kilmer staid there all night last night,
she was so low. She has been speechless yesterday. Has the Pneumonia. Mattie
Fitzgerald is right sick. They think she is taking the Pneumonia. Ma went to Mr.
Coleman's this morning. We went to Sunday School yesterday. There was not many
there. Jim Dunlap is sick and Warner is too. We played "Hide and Seek" today at
school. We missed Elsie lots today.

Dec. 15, 1891. It rained last nite, but cleared off today. Aurie, Eugene and I
went to school today. This afternoon the Elocution class recited their
recitations for next Friday night. Mr. Hess appointed Miss Irene and Estelle to
decide which one spoke the best. They didn't tell anybody but him. We are going
to have a concert Friday night. Only the Elocution and music classes are going to
take a part. Mr. Hess is going to give the best speaker a present. Mr. Pratt
Wood is here tonight.

Dec. 16. Eugene and I went to school today. Ma went over to Bessie's this
evening. Mrs. Coleman is a little better today. Our school is very small. We
had only seventeen scholars today. We all practiced our peices for Friday night. 
Elsie hasn't been to school any this week. Tomorrow and Friday are review days.

Dec. 18, Fri. Aurie and I went to the school house. We all practiced our
recitations for tonight. Mr. Hess went to Humboldt after the Judges, Pro. Cheek
and Mr. Forde, but they couldn't come. So the judges were Dr. Craig, Miss Senter
and Mr. Galespie. Pollie got the prize for speaking best. Shakespeare was the
prize. Mr. Campbell presented it to her. Miss Anna Chester and Elva Penn came
home with us.

Dec. 24, Thurs. It rained all day yesterday and the day before, but hasn't rained
today. Pearl, Aurie and Pa papered Ma's room yesterday and put the carpet down.
A little bird came to the window last night while

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it was raining so hard and knocked. Ma raised the window and it came in. It
staid with us all night and this morning flew away. Pearl, Aurie and Buddie went
to Humboldt this eve. Mr. Dougan came over here this morning. Anna Bennett and
Jodie H. came down here this evening. They came to the school house intending to
help fix the "Post Office" but found no one there, so they came down here to see
if we were going. They insisted on my going back with them so I went. We staid
up there a good while and finally decided that we wouldn't have it as there was no
one else coming. Mr. Dock Bennett passed by & told them it had been postponed. 
Anna, Estelle, Jodie & Mr. Bennett & I were the only ones there.

Dec. 27, 1891. Sun. Eugene and I went to Shiloh, but there wasn't any Sunday
School. We heard that Sallie Bet Hazlewood was to be buried at Eldad at one
o'clock so we came home & told Pearl and Aurie. They went. Pratt Wood came
yesterday and went with them. She died Saturday morn about six o'clock. Buddie
went to Arkansas Saturday. Pa carried him to the train at Humboldt but they
didn't get there in time for the six o'clock train & waited for the 12 o'clock.
Ma and Pa went to Bessie's to spend the day.

Dec. 28, 1891. Monday. Bessie came over here and Ma and Pearl went to Mrs.
Barnett's with her. Pa and Eugene went to Humboldt to carry some wheat off. They
got 75 cents a bushel for it. Eugene and I were invited to a little folk's party
at Mr. "Fait" Dunlap's, but I couldn't get Eugene to go with me. It was Tom and
Anna's party. I was sorry I couldn't go.

Dec. 29, 1891. Tues. Ma and I went to Mrs. Kate Bennett's. Mr. Ben Thomas was
over there. Elsie and I went up to Mr. Willis Bennett's to get Anna to come back
with us & stay all night, but she & Hugh had just gone to Mr. Dock Bennett's. We
saw her new piano. It is very fine & has a very sweet tone. I rode Emma Lee &
Elsie rode Dan. Mattie broke aloose & came home. Elsie came home with me & we
intended to leave Emma here & for me to ride behind Elsie back to her house to
stay all night, but as Mattie had come home, I rode Emma back for Ma to ride home.
"Shorty" came & carried Estelle to a party at Mr. Nelson's. Beckie Bennett stayed
all night with Elsie too. We played "club fist" & several other little games with

Dec. 30, 1891. Wednesday. Elsie brought me home on old Dan this morning. Ma and
Pearl went to Mr. Penn's to spend the day. Pa & Eugene went to Humboldt to carry
off some more wheat. Aurie and I were here by ourselves, but Clarence Stewart
came and stayed about an hour with us. Aurie is making her a new calico dress.

Dec. 31, 1891. Thurs. This is the last day of the year. Mr. Sam Wood came this
morning & took dinner with us. Pearl rode Emma Lee over to Mr. Dunlap's. She was
going by Mr. Joe Stalling's & I don't know whether she will stay there to that
party or go on to Pollie's party. Clarence came by & invited Pearl and Aurie to
party at Mr. Joe Stalling's. Mr. Joe Blankenship came over & talked to Pa a
little while but didn't come in.