
Dan Martin Counties
o Henry County
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o Stewart County

o Benton
o Dickson
o Henry
o Houston
o Humphreys
o Stewart

Thanks to the efforts of Suzanne, we are able to bring you Sue Reed's "Compendum of Henry County Cemeteries". Reprinted with permission.
Kooney Cemetery
Located under Kentucky Lake near Paris Landing Park. (Copied from: (1) Mr. Charles Sanders' records, which indicate that there are no marked graves and that his information came from TVA; and (2) The Kentucky Lake Relocation Project comp. by Judith Ann Maupin (1975) which states that "this was a very old, neglected cemetery and none of the graves could be identified. R.L. Dunlap, who had some distant relatives buried here, requested that all the graves be moved. The nine graves were moved to the Williams Cemetery in June, 1943.")
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Page Last Modified -- Monday, 10-Sep-2018 18:14:57 MDT