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Meeting 18 NOV 2015, Tom's Pizza & Steak House, Paris, TN

Members and guest present for the Nov. 18, 2015 meeting.
  Before the meeting started, Pat Boals had brought two pecan pies to auction off since she had missed the September auction meeting.  The bidding was frenzied but finally Joy and Stephanie each got a pie and Pat promised to make one for Suzanne for an equivalent contribution to the scholarship fund.
      President Joy Bland then called the meeting to order.  Opening ritual was followed by reading of the minutes by secretary Suzanne richter; minutes were approved as read.  The treasurer's report was likewise read and approved.  National Defense Chairman Geraldine Sykes presented our national defense message.
     Following the national defense message, Mary Ann Claxton made a motion that we nominate Pat Boals for national office.  This was unanimously approved and we know that she will be an excellent national officer!

     Guest Susan Pemberton gave a program on Thanksgiving noting that George Washington was the first to issue a presidential proclamation for a day set aside for thanksgiving and prayer.  This was done on Oct. 3, 1789 naming Thursday, Nov. 26, 1789 as the day.  Various presidents followed suit, but it was not until Sarah Hale thought one day should be set aside for giving thanks; she tried for several years and finally on Oct. 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be observed on the last Thursday of November.  This was 74 years to the day after Washington had signed the first proclamation.     Referring to the "first thanksgiving," Susan said that the Pilgrims first moved to Holland for religious freedom, but then eventually they decided to go to the new land in America and so set sail from Plymouth, England on the Mayflower.  Of the 100 who landed, only 50 survived the first winter, with help from the Wampanoag tribe of Native Americans.  The thanksgiving feast followed their first successful harvest in the new world, lasted 3 days, and included the 50 survivors and 90 of the Wampanoag tribe. 
     Following the program, members were asked to turn in their ancestor forms to Stephanie for inclusion in the state book that is going to be compiled.  Anyone who has not turned their forms in needs to get them to Stephanie immediately.
     The next item of business was electing delegates to state and nation conventions.  Delega
tes to the state meeting ate Suzanne Richter and Stephanie Tayloe, and to the national meeting Mary Ann Claxton, Frances Spillman, and Joy Bland.
     A reminder to everyone to donate to Suzanne for the veterans' angel tree at the veterans home in Humboldt.  If you have not done so, this needs to be done immediately also so that she can get the shopping done and the gifts delivered.
     Frances then handed out Gravestone Preservation report forms asking that we fill these out including any hours that we have done any kind of work that could be counted toward our gravestone preservation work.  If you have not done so, this also needs to be turned in.  Check with Frances to get a form, or it can be downloaded from the national website.
     Also be sure that chapter chairmen of committees get their reports turned in to the chapter president and their respective state chairmen before the end of January.

Above:  Members getting their orders ready and their meeting notes out