The STARLING Data has now grown to 4605 individuals in  1317 families.  It can be viewed by Person and by Surname .

You will note that there are a number of duplicates in the database which was caused when I merged a number of databases which contained common cousins. The majority of the donated data now has reference numbers starting with 10,000 and above. Duplicates will be removed over time as I work through the data and as they are brought to my notice.


The majority of STARLINGs appear to have emigrated from England.

In order to help prove this The STARLING/STERLING Y-DNA Project has been started in the USA. It is seeking to get as many STARLING's and STARLING name derivatives as possible to take part.

For furthur information contact the project manager, Robert Sterling, who is based in New Jersey, USA.

I have also managed to locate some graphics showing the migration of STARLING's through out the USA dating from the 1850's until 1990.

Migration of STARLING's in the USA

Migration of STALLING's in the USA

Migration of STARLIN's in the USA