St. Joseph's Colony - Biographies - Busch

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      Charlie Busch

      Harvest of Memories
      Page 312

      Charlie Busch, his parents and brothers Emil and Clive came to the district from the Dakotas, USA. Charlie rented the Hyndman farm after Mr. and Mrs. Hyndman moved to Wilkie in 1927.

      Lena came to the Busch residence as a housekeeper, later becoming Mrs. Charlie Busch. Two daughters, Rose and Edith were born here. The family moved to the Peace River country in the mid 1930's.

      Clive Busch and his wife Pauline from Illinois came to Wilkie in 1981 to look around Clive's old home. They took a piece of wood from one of the old buildings which they planned to make into a name plaque for their home in the United States.

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      Last Updated: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

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