Holy Trinity
The following transcription was done from a cemetery
reading only. No church records were consulted. There seems to be a fairly
large number of unmarked graves in this cemetery. The transcriber tried
to be as accurate as possible, but please keep in mind that some stones
are in Hungarian, and if it was hard to read, a best guess is given. The
cemetery is located 2 miles south of Viscount, on #670, then 5 miles east,
then 1 3/4 miles south. RM # 341, Viscount SE-6-34-25 W2nd.
------ additional info carved on stone
Kristoff, John / 1898-1988
Kristoff, Joseph / 1889-1977------Brother
Ponak----It myukszik Ponak Gezame szuletet Kuti Veronika szuletet 1901
.......... Aug 27 meghalt 1951 April 1826 myugodjek bekebe-----Husband and Son
Ponak, Geza / 1899-1970-----Mother
Stroheber, Elizabeth / 1885-1933----Wife and Mother
Stroheber, James / Nov.15, 1913-Feb 19, 1995
Stroheber, William / 1890-1969---Father
Kiss, Elizabeth / 1914-1936
Meszaros, Istvan / Oct 28 1888-Feb 25 1936
Meszaros, Istvan Ne / Aug 15, 1898-Aug 30, 1950
Molnar, Frank / May 23, 1888-May 9, 1931---Father
Molnar, Margaret / July 6, 1888- Feb 15, 1970----Mother
Ponak, Gizela / April 24, 1922-Mar 12, 1935---Brother
Gress, Elizabeth / 1880-1935---Mother
Gress, Jozsef / Mar 6, 1873- June 28 1924-----Father
Fargo, Mary / 1867-Dec 17, 1946-----Mother
Fargo, Antol / 1858-June 8 1934
Duh, Mariska / 1928-1929
Duh, Farencz / 1882-1970----age 94
Duh, Maria / 1898-1992-----on same
stone as Farencz
Duh, Ferencz ne szul Czovek, Magit / 1900-1926
Kristoff, Mrs Peter / 1835-1945----Mother
McKinnon, Angus, 3356118 Private, Sask. Reg. CEF / 16 May 1918
Tittl/Tittel (?) Frau Eva / July 13, 1918 -----70th year----Mother
Welter, Peter / Aug 20, 1862- Aug 20, 1924
Welter, Frau Peter, Elizabeth (MS) Tittel / Dec 1865-June 23, 1918
Farago, Eva / 1934-1934
Busa, Irene M. / Sept 23 1927-Nov 24, 1927
Farago, Iduska / Nov 22, 1922
Pozsar, Rozalia, wife of Egnatz Zonyi / Aug 31, 1908
Pinke, Ernest James / Nov 17, 1914---- 4 months
Fink, Joseph / 1915-1915
Farago, James, son of J & A Farago / July 30, 1915-----2yrs 6 months
Simon, Mary, daughter of George & Louise / June 11 1916---- 21 days
Pinke, Imrene, Boldosult Pinke Imrene sz. Stoll Katalin / 1868-Jan 17,
1917---small stone leaning against this one, Anya
Hegy, Alexander, infant son of Lois & Julia / 1916
Gaspar, Agnes / April 18, 1885-May, 1938----Mother
Reiber, Peter / June 29, 1880-Jan 11, 1971----Father---on same stone as
Agnes Gaspar
Beleznay, Jozsef / 1885-1939----Father
Beleznay, Maria / 1885-1986----Mother--on same stone as Jozsef
Tayfel, James L., / Aug 3, 1910-July 31
Estok, Michael / 1878-1943
Estok, Mary / 1881-1947---on same stone as Michael Estok
Beleznay, Julia / Mar 1852-July 1944-----Grandmother
Toth, Julianna / 1887-1943---Mother
Toth, Joserh / 1880-1953----on same stone as Julianna Toth
Nagy, Joseph T. / 1875-1946
Nagy, Caroline L. / 1879-1956------on same stone as Joseph Nagy
Pongracz, Frank G. / 1917-1973
Pongracz, Margaret / Sept 16, 1930-July 10, 1946
Sinclair, Irene E. / 1925-1952----Wife and Mother
Pongracz, Alexander / 1886-1974----Father
Pongracz, Mary / 1893-1976------Mother
Pongracz, Albert, 1926-1971----Son
Wolf, Martin / 1876-1949
Wolf, Katherine / 1882-1973-----on same stone as Martin Wolf
Pongracz, Ronald Evan / 1948-1953----Son and Brother
Koska, Warren Joseph / 1954-1961
Koska, Kathleen / 1890-1956------Mother
Koska, Stephen M. / 1886-1958 ----Father----on same stone as Kathlen
Farago, Mary / 1892-1967-----Mother
Nagy, Elmer D. / 1903-1963----Son and Brother
Egeto, Peter / 1875-1968-----Father
Pongracz, James John / Aug 12, 1986----age 64
Pongracz, Leslie / 1932-1992----age 60
Simon, Kathleen / 1885-1977-----Mother
Simon, Peter / 1877-1954---Marion Year---Husband and Father
Pastor, Michael J. / Jan 7, 1913-Feb 15, 1985
Pastor, Marie M. Provost / Nov 27, 1915-Jan 9, 1989
Pastor, Joseph F. / 1951-1989
Pongracz, Lawrence Frank / 1973-1997---age 24
All Viscount, Sk Area Cemeteries on one page |