Patrick K. Best
Wishing you Happiness Always,
Carol Howard (Vulliamy)
A Tribute to Patrick K. Best
From your cousin Carol Howard (Vulliamy)
As you continue to touch the lives of so many people in a very special way,
I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for the many hours of work
that you so graciously donate for the preservation of our family history.
Your magnitude of work has breathed life into our illustrious ancestors and
acknowledged the ever increasing perimeters of our family.
To your ancestors, you give respect, validation and a value presence in our
current lifestyles; you give a sense of self-respect and personal identity
as you create a very extensive "root" system for every family member.
Because of your perseverance and hard work, we are all enjoying a much
larger, more magnificent family than we had ever imagined possible.
As you achieve great accomplishments in genealogy, your family has become
increasingly aware of your personal attributes of unconditional love and
respect for all mankind. You have portrayed the very fiber and essence of
the Howard legacy.
The friendly, caring ways that is so much a part of you, leads me to
conclude that your mission in life is to make life more meaningful for
others - a lofty goal that you so comfortably accomplish in a very
natural way.
These humanitarian traits are deeply ingrained in you, Patrick, and agreed
upon by all of your family. Your natural style of comraderie is enhanced
with your ability to rise above adversity and focus on the beauty of life.
Your personal attributes and work on genealogy have endeared you to all.
You have earned the love and appreciation of all the Howard family.
Wishing you Happiness Always,
Carol Howard (Vulliamy)
[email protected]
All of this information on the Howard Clan web pages was put together by myself, Patrick K. Best and my cousin Carol Vulliamy. This Tribute to Patrick Best was written by Carol Vulliamy.
Thank you Patrick
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