McPherson County
| to the McPherson County Website!You are now at the home page. This site was last updated on 08/13/06 . About the South Dakota Gen-Web Project In June, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the South Dakota Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in South Dakota, where colleted databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed, and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. The person responsible for this county is Duane Stabler. Welcome to the South Dakota Gen-Web and to this McPherson County Website. This site is always under construction. It is my hope to regularly add new items of interest. Please browse around and come back often. McPherson County Origin: Created in 1873 and named for Union Brigadier General James Birdseye McPherson, (click on name for photo image) was killed action at Atlanta GA in 1864. Organized in 1885; Leola was established as the county seat. McPherson County's most Famous Person: Governer Charles Herreid
Population History of McPherson County:
Present Temperature of: Click here Additional information for further information about McPherson Co. Long Lake SD Jubilee History - added to the site by Richard Rieben (original Long Lake Jubilee Webmaster --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Publications available for purchase: Gl�ckstal Colonies Research Association Bicentennial Publications Researchers Guide to McPherson County, South Dakota Cemeteries Both books are available for purchase by clicking on the book above which takes you to the website which has further details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use this Website: As you see, this website has many buttons like those shown below. Clicking on any one of these buttons allows you to jump from page (and subject) to page. Dependent on what is of interest will determine which button you may want. Do check the site frequently as it is my intent to update it at least monthly. If the system allows a "new" notice will exist next to the added item. Y0UR Help Wanted: I hope you enjoy this effort and consider contributing photos, articles or your research effort (as related to McPherson Co.) to me for inclusion in this website. This website is designed for the viewing and research enjoyment of all however it is copy write to the webmaster. All articles written by other authors has been approved by the author for publication within. Permission to print those articles must be procured from the author for each item. � Duane Stabler Click here to see the Revision Page