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York County, South Carolina Wills (1770-1812)
Micro-film #C1689
& C1695
Abstracted by Paulette Haynes, Anderson, IN, 1992
In some cases I could not find a probate date for these wills. They are probably arranged by case & file in the state archives which will include more information and the probate dates. The micro-films I have are not arranged that way, but rather by number and book. There are also a few estates, but not all, from Bk. B (1800-1811)
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Adams, Robert 1795
Adams, Robert 1800
Adams, William 1799
Adkins (Atkins), Samuel 1801 (of Four Mills Creek, near the old Nation Ford)
Alderson, Ann 1811
Alderson, Benedict 1795
Alexander, John 1805
Alexander, Joseph 1809 (minister)
Allison, Hugh 1799
Anderson, William 1810
Arnold, Josephus 1802
Ash, John 1785 (of Camdem District)
Ashmore, Walter 1790
Bailey Sr., Elijah 1808
Barnhill, William 1808
Barnet Sr., John 1807
Barr, Thomas 1785-1810
Baxter, Andrew 1798
Baxter, Elizabeth 1809
Baxter, Margaret 1798
Beard, David 1802
Beard, James 1788 (of Fishing Creek)
Beard, John 1801
Beatty, William 1799
Beatty, Jesse, 1804
Bell, Robert 1802
Benoist, James 1801
Berry, Catherine 1784
Berry, Hugh 1802
Berry, William 1802
Bigger, James 1800
Bigger, Joseph 1786
Bigger, Matthew 1788
Bigger, Moses 1804
Birk (Burk), Francis 1795
Black, Alexander 1794
Black Sr., Robert 1779 (of the New Acquisition, Camdem District)
Black, Robert, 1807
Black, Thomas 1811
Bland, Edward 1797
Boggs, Joseph n.d.
Boyls, Mary 1793
Brandon Sr., John 1779
Brown, William 1801
Bryson, William 1809
Buckhouse, John 1807
Burns, Laughlin 1804
Burris Sr, William 1811
Byars, David 1794
Byers, Sary 1806
Cain, Samuel 1804
Cally, William 1797
Campbell, Alexander 1800
Campbell, James 1810
Carnahan, John 1790
Carrel, Esther 1802
Carrel, Jeanette (widow) 1796
Carrel, Joseph 1777 (of Allison's Creek, Craven County)
Carrel, Joseph 1784 (of Camdem District)
Carrington, John 1807
Carson, William 1801
Cathcart, Hugh 1808
Chambers, David 1808
Chambers, James 1803
Chambers, John 1808
Champion, Richard 1796 (of Bullock's Creek)
Chism, Nancy 1811
Clark, Joseph 1810
Clinton, Peter n.d
Clinton, William 1811
Cooper, Isler 1813 (made in Halifax County)
Cooper, John 1812
Copeland, William 1804
Countryman, Andrew 1798
Craig, Henry 1805
Craig, James 1778 (of Camden District)
Craig, William 1801
Crawford, Walter (William) 1813
Crawford, William 1806 (of Waters of Clark's Fork)
Creswell, Thomas 1802
Crow, James 1800
Curry, Samuel 1810
Dale, William 1798
Dennis Sr., John 1804
Denton, Samuel 1786
Dickey, John 1801
Dicky, John 1784 (of the New Acquisition)
Donahy, Eleanor 1793
Drenan, Hugh n.d.
Drennan, Mary 1809
Drennan, Thomas 1807
Dunkin, Mary 1811
Dunkin, Thomas 1809
Dunn, James 1810
Dunsmore, Samuel 1802
Eakin, Alexander 1805
Eakin Jr., Alexander 1804
Ellis, Benjamin 1807
Ellis, Caleb 1806
Ellis, Daniel 1806
Enlow, Mary 1774 (of Craven County)
Ewing, Samuel 1806
Faries (Faris) James 1802
Faris, Jean 1807
Farries (Faris), Robert 1803
Farris, William 1805
Feemster, Joseph 1804
Ferguson, James 1793
Fitzgerald, William 1803
Flemming, Elijah 1804
Foreman, James 1809
Foreman, Samuel 1806
Fowler, James 1801
Freeman, Christopher 1804
Gallant, James 1808
Gallimore, Edward 1801
Garrison, David 1810
Garvin, John 1799
Gay, Samuel 1799
Gibson, James 1803
Gibson, Matthew 1805
Gill, James 1809
Gillham, Thomas 1801
Gillham, Charles 1800
Gilmore Sr., Frances 1811 (Clarks Fork of Bullock Creek)
Glover, James 1797
Good Sr., John 1805
Gordon, John 1802 (of Clarks Ford of Bullocks Creek)
Gordon (Jordan), John 1791
Gordon, Nanny 1791
Graham, Jean 1790
Haggens, Mary 1807
Hall, John 1796 (from Ireland)
Hammel, Joseph 1803
Hammel, Margaret 1807
Hamilton, David 1797
Hanna, James 1797
Hanna, Col. William 1810
Harbison, James 1806 (of Clarks Fork)
Harp, Thomas 1804
Harris, Edmond 1808
Harris, John 1808
Hart, John 1798
Hartness, Robert 1779 (of Bullocks Creek)
Hemphill, Alexander 1788
Henderson, Esther 1789
Henry, James 1811
Hill, Edward 1794
Hill, William 1799
Hood, Elenor 1810
Hood, James 1806
Hope, Adam 1804
Hope, James 1804
Howe, James 1804
Howe, John 1807
Howe, Joseph 1799
Irwin, Nathaniel 1793
Jackson, William 1811
Johnston, David 1794
Johnston Sr., Robert 1794
Julian, Jacob 1799
Kenmure, James 1804
Kennedy, William 1796
Kerr, Jane 1810
Kerr, William 1805
Killough, Robert 1807
King, George 1792 (of Pickney District)
Knox, James 1795
Knox, Samuel 1794
Knox, Thomas 1807
Kolb, James 1802
Kuykendal, James 1800
Kuykendal, Samuel 1810
Kuykendal, Sarah 1806
Laney, Joseph 1788
Lattimore, Robert 1784 (of Craven County)
Leatham, Andrew 1779
Leatham (Lethrem) Franklin 1803
Leatham, Richard 1778
Leech, William 1791 (late of Pennsylvania)
Leeper, Robert 1795
Lesley, Samuel 1805
Lewis, James 1786
Love, Alexander 1781 (of the New Acquisition)
Love, Andrew 1803
Love, James 1789
Love, Margaret 1806
Love, Robert 1796 (of Clarks Fork)
Love, Samuel 1805
Lusk, Elizabeth 1770 (of Tryon)
Lusk, Robert 1800
Lynn, Patrick 1795
Lyons, Joseph 1794
McAdorry, Thomas 1789
McCall, John 1807
McCarter, James 1811
McCleland, Hugh 1795
McCleland, Robert 1801
McCleland, William 1810
McCord, James 1793
McCorkle, Abraham n.d. (?1796)
McCurdy, Robert 1803
McElmoyle Sr., John 1811
McFadden, Patrick 1795
McGarity, Michael 1787
McGill, James 1805
McGill, Thomas 1805
McKee, Samuel 1805
McKinney, Neal 1801
McKnight, John 1785
McMurray, Nancy 1812
McNeel, James 1808
McNight, Margaret (widow) 1800
McPhilimey, James 1804
McSwain, John 1807
McWhorter, Hugh 1795
Manion, Thomas 1802
Marshall, Benjamin 1804
Martin, John 1802
Mason, Wilborn 1809
Meek, Adam 1807
Meek, Jane 1794 (of Bullock's Creek)
Mellon, George 1799 (of Eutaw Springs)
Millan, John 1801
Miller, James 1795
Miller, John 1802
Miller, Robert 1800
Miller, Robert 1803
Miller, Stephen 1789
Miller, William 1812
Milmon, John n.d.
Minter, William 1807
Miscelly, Frances (single woman) 1786
Miskelly, James 1778
Miskelly, Jean (widow) 1802
Moffit, Mathew 1805
Montgomery, Rebecca 1810
Moore, James 1787
Moore, Jane 1791
Moore, Josiah Dr. 1808
Morgan, John 1805
Moreland, Jacob 1808
Morris, John 1807
Morrow, John 1802
Muldoon, David 1800
Murphey, James 1787 (of Fishing Creek)
Nash, Lucy 1808
Neel, Thomas 1793
Neeley Sr., Jackson 1785 (of the Indian Land)
Nelson, William 1805
Nesbit, Joseph 1789
Nichels, James 1795
Parker, Thomas 1805
Patrick, Robert 1812 (blacksmith)
Patterson, Robert 1775 (of Craven Co.)
Patteson, John 1795
Patton, John 1789
Patton, Robert 1807
Patton, William 1795 (blacksmith)
Polk, Eleanor 1803
Polk, John 1802
Porter, Samuel 1774 (of Camden District)
Porter Sr., David 1801
Powell, James 1800
Powell, James 1803
Pursley, James 1788
Rainey, William 1803
Ramsey, Jane (Jenny) 1809
Reed, James 1793
Rea, Francis 1804 (Crowders Creek)
Reynicks (Renicks), Mary (widow) 1801
Richardson, James 1796
Roach, Nathaniel 1800
Robinson, James 1794
Robinson, Patrick 1793
Rogers, Michael 1801
Ross, Rachel 1790
Sadler, Joseph 1812
Sadler Sr., Richard 1804
Scott, David 1800 (Bullocks Creek)
Scott, John 1808 (of Turkey Creek)
Shearer, Hugh 1789
Simeral, Jean 1807
Simpson, Robert 1789
Sinclair, Duncan 1805
Smith, Cheek 1807
Smith, Henry 1790
Smith, James 1794
Smith, John 1794 (of Bullocks Creek)
Smith, John 1813
Smith, John 1807
Smith, William 1812
Spense, John 1801
Spratt, Andrew 1803
Spratt, Thomas 1807
Starr, Arthur 1797
Steel, Archibald 1796
Steel, John 1808
Steel, Joseph 1795
Steel, William 1807
Sterns, Joseph 1807
Steward, Margaret 1790 (of Camdem District)
Stewart, Michael 1808
Sturgis, Daniel 1787
Sturgis, Jane 1798 (alias Bratton of the Indian Land)
Sturgis, Laban 1793
Talliferro, Richard 1806
Thompson, Samuel 1811
Thompson, Thomas 1793
Thompson, William 1798
Thrift, Abraham 1806
Ticer, Clark 1803
Ticer, Hugh 1805
Tipping, James 1783 (of Camdem District)
Venable Jr., John 1800
Venable Sr., John 1808 (faded)
Vickers, Ralph 1810
Waddle, Joseph 1787
Walker, Thomas 1795
Wallace, Joseph 1807
Wallace Jr., Oliver 1789
Watson, George 1808
Watson, James 1802
Watson, Samuel 1809 (Colonel)
Watson Sr., William 1798 (of Fishing Creek)
Watson, William 1809
Westmoreland, Reeves 1807
Wherry, Dorcas 1800
White, Joseph 1804
Whitely, Jonathan 1793
Willkie, William 1803
Wylie, William 1794
Willson, Absolon 1789
Willson, Richard 1794
Wilson, Hugh 1802
Wilson, John 1792
Wilson, William 1800
Wright, William 1813
Wright, William 1810
Young, James 1809
Young, James 1793
I am sure this is not a complete record of wills & estates for York County for this time period, so don't give up if you do not find your ancestor here.
When I finish I will add a search engine for all the pages on this site, but until then you can use your "search" tool on your browser to search each page.
Please let me know if you have corrections or additions.
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Paulette Haynes
Anderson, Indiana
September 2000
[email protected]