Tax List York County SC
Alphabetical List of Persons in Division No. 30, of Collection District No.3
of the State of South Carolina liable to a tax under Excise laws of the United
States, and the amount thereof, asscessed by R.A. Ross Assistant Assessor,
and by WmVanWyok, Assessor, returned to the Collector of said District, for
the Month of October 1866.
Name | Location & Post Office Address |
Article or Occupation |
No. in Abstract |
Quanity or Valuation |
Rate of Tax |
Amount of Tax Upon Particular Article |
Total |
Armstrong, L.R. | York Dist. | Cotton | 32 | 589 | 3 | 17.67 | . |
Burnett, J.M. | York Dist. | Cotton | 32 | 678 | 3 | 20.34 | . |
Carroll Clark & Co | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 1980 | 3 | 59.40 | . |
Carroll Clark & Co | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 1144 | 3 | 34.32 | . |
Carroll Clark & Co | Yorkeville | Cotton | 32 | 394 | 3 | 11.82 | . |
Carroll Clark & Co | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 766 | 3 | 22.98 | . |
Currence, M.M. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 768 | 3 | 23.04 | . |
Clinton, J.T. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 740 | 3 | 22.20 | . |
Campbell, W.E. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 719 | 3 | 21.57 | . |
Jackson, W.S. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 355 | 3 | 10.95 | . |
Jackson, S.E. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 700 | 3 | 21.00 | . |
Jackson, D.J. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 355 | 3 | 10.95 | . |
Jackson, W.J. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 384 | 3 | 11.52 | . |
Jackson, Jno L. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 342 | 3 | 10.25 | . |
Phillips, J.C. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 1105 | 3 | 33.18 | . |
Partlow, D.T. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 400 | 3 | 12.00 | . |
Patrick, J.C. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 1920 | 3 | 57.50 | . |
Riddle, G.L. | Yorkville | Cotton | 32 | 768 | 3 | 23.04 | . |
It would seem that from the alphabetical listing of names, several pages are missing. I have not been able to locate them on the Microfilm 789, Roll #2.
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