1913 Corn Exposition - Includes story of the expositon & Photo.
Catawba Cultural Preservation Project - History, photos, pottery and tons of info.
Catawba Native American History - Contains information on Names, Language, Culture, History etc...
Catawba's at the Carlisle Pennsylvania School - photo of Lottie Harris is in their records.
Catawba's role in the French and Indian Wars
Catawba Native American & the Early Settlers - Excellent account of thier relationship with the early settlers.
George Washington's Speech to Catawba Indians December 1756 - From the Library of Congress
Catawba 1847 Census - From Paul Surratt Jr.
Catawba 1854 Census - From Paul Surratt Jr.
Catawba Native Americans in the Civil War -
Memorial to Catawba Native Americans - Photos of the memorial listing the Catawba's, erected 1895 in Fort Mill.
Catawba Indian Cemetery - Cemetery roster.
Red Cloud Obituary & the history behind the man
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